Saturday, February 08, 2014

IT ONLY MATTERS that he's 'green' enough: State Deptment Not Sure If Obama’s Bundler/Ambassador to Argentina Speaks Spanish.
YA THINK? "Unfortunately, some current nominees are a modern version of the 18th-century French practice of the sale of offices."
NEWT GINGRICH: Sochi and National Security. It's a dangerous world out there, and we're not paying attention.

IT'S NOT A TRAIN WRECK, it's a cancer.

The goal of liberalism is for everyone to have an equal share of nothing.

An interview with the development team is here.
GOP PROPOSAL would require food stamp recipients to show photo ID. If passed, it would pretty well take the wind out of the sails of the 'no photo ID to vote' advocates....

UPDATE & HEH: NAACP requires marchers protesting North Carolina voter ID law to show photo ID.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: MyRA accounts fleece middle class.

To paraphrase a quote attributed to P. T. Barnum, "There's a sucker liberal born every minute."
THREE WORDS: Bad words.
THE GREAT DEFLECTION: Unemployment Is Freedom. Dependency Is Choice. Numbers Lie.
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures: the never-ending winter edition. But my favorite isn't about climate change ... it's about jobs.

AN OBAMACARE REPORT CARD: The grades are bad so far — and likely to get worse.
HEH: Medicaid is so good they can't give it away.

Read it all.

WE'RE LOSING the war on poverty. Not so. The government is growing bigger, more expansive, and richer every year.
FROM A SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT) CAMPAIGN EMAIL, some thoughts on the CBO report on the costs of ObamaCare:
Among the report's major findings, these really caught my attention:

- Businesses with over 50 employees will pay $151 BILLION over 10 years in penalties under Obamacare.

- The individual mandate penalties over 10 years will total $52 BILLION.

- Obamacare will force hundreds of thousands of part-time employees out of their jobs.

- Finally, Obamacare will mean TWO MILLION fewer people in the labor market by 2017, 2.5 MILLION by 2024.
$15 billion in increased government income and an additional 2 million Americans under government control subsidy. If you're a big-government liberal, what's not to like?
WORK MORE, EARN LESS: Obama's work trap.
JONAH GOLDBERG: Free the Job-Locked Poets! (They're easier to control that way.)
PARTY TIME IN THE GOVERNOR'S MANSION: Gov. Terry McAuliffe has added a potent weapon to his bipartisan charm offensive: better booze.

At least he's not paying for it out of my pocket....
AS AD REVENUE SLIPS AGAIN, New York Times CEO calls 2014 'a critical year'. Perhaps they could try publishing something worth reading....
BECAUSE SCIENCE IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE: Enviromentalists, use emotion, not science, to convince others of global warming.