Wednesday, July 17, 2019

ZERO: What are the odds aliens will be 'discovered' at crazy event to storm top-secret site?

And if sufficient numbers of people are stupid enough to try it, there will be deaths.
APOLLO SHRUGS: The 'woke' media revisits Apollo 11 - and gets it head handed back on a silver platter. This Washington Post twitter stream is especially instructive.
CONSTITUTION? WHAT CONSTITUTION? We don't need no stinkin' Constitution.
BETO METOO O'ROURKE VIRTUE SIGNALS: My ancestors owned slaves too.

Pandering is his middle name....
CULTIVATING HOMELESSNESS: Birds of a feather and all that....
SWAMP TALES: How the unaccountable bureaucracy wastes money racing around the country creating unnecessary - and unwanted - regulations.

But fair. Linked from Instapundit.
DEMOCRATS: Hate is okay when we do it.
ANTI-TRUMP REPUBLICAN JEFF FLAKE calls on GOP to condemn 'vile and offensive' tweets.

At one time I had a modest amount of respect for (former) Sen. Flake. I was wrong.
MORE HOYT: Between lizards.

Always with Sarah, read the whole thing.
TRUMP POINTS OUT THE OBVIOUS. Sarah Hoyt's friend - one Thomas Kendall - responds to the 'idiotsphere'.

Supremely well done. Read and enjoy.

Linked from Instapundit.
WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM sues to overturn unjust law of supply and demand.

And while they're at it, they should also sue to make pi equal 3.2.

Um, maybe not. Pi is irrational. Like the women's national soccer team.