Sunday, May 09, 2021

OBVIOUSLY ELON MUSK IS CRIPPLING THE ECONOMY: He's reusing rockets and preventing new ones from being built.

And he moved to Texas and left California to die.

Clearly he must be a Trump crony....
CNN PRAISES JOE BIDEN for efficiently liberating thousands from wage slavery in his first 100 days in office.

Now if only we could eliminate him (and his puppet masters)....
SPRINGTIME 2021, Week 10: Here we go again -- no 'poof' day. Here's the usual pond view:
The softwoods and lower brush are filling out nicely compared to last week, but the hardwoods are still far behind. Talking with some people over the week, it seems that the reason is a hard freeze just as the hardwoods were starting to bud out. The buds died, and now the hardwoods are essentially starting fresh. I'm starting to see buds again, and hopefully by next we'll see leaves if the weather behaves.
The fire pit view is much the same; the softwoods fully leafing out, the hardwoods just beginning to rebud.
Here's a good first view from down at the pond. That's my neighbor's garage just barely visible at the top of the hill, and you can clearly see that the hardwoods took the freeze seriously. Up close, all are beginning to bud out and I'm hopeful to see real change next week.
On the bright side, here's a wild azalea growing along the edge of the pond that survived the freeze and just started flowering.
And finally, our house, with the picture taken about halfway down the walking path down to the pond. The softwoods are growing well, as are (unfortunately) all the weeds I've been hoping I had controlled last year. Until next week, then.
THE LEFT BACKFIRES AGAIN: 'Happy Birthing Person Day' contains the terrible, terrible, bad, bad, taboo word 'son'.

You're welcome.
YES, IT IS MOTHER'S DAY: Ten last-minute Mother's Day gift ideas for your wife since we know you forgot.