Thursday, July 01, 2021

A RANDOM THOUGHT ABOUT 'EQUITY': Explain to me why people from the banana republics of the world are flocking to our southern border to cross illegally into the U.S. while the progressive powers here are doing their level best to make the U.S. into the banana republics they're fleeing from?
INCENTIVES MATTER: Economics 101 is vindicated again.

And Economics 101 is ignored by Progressives ... again.

Will they ever learn? Short answer is 'no' since Progressives know they already know it all.
MORE 'TOLERANT' PROGRESSIVES: The shameful scapegoating of Asians by NYC's Critical Race Theory machine (named DeBlasio).
ALL THOSE LOVELY PEOPLE are killing America.

Don't be a 'lovely people'.
SO DRIVE TO ARIZONA OR NEVADA: With its power grid under pressure, California asks residents to avoid charging electric vehicles.

I'd suggest both states put up fast (and expensive) EV charging stations at every road crossing the border from California. (And in Nevada, slot machines....)
AS THEY GET MORE AND MORE 'TOLERANT', we get more and more 'evil'.
NAH. IT WAS TRUMP. NBC's Lester Holt suggests it was his interview that sparked Kamala Harris' decision to finally visit the southern border.

And Trump outperformed the Vice Pseudodent at the border as well.

This is is called progressive 'tolerance'.
NO WONDER THEY'RE MISERABLE (AND CRAZY): Liberal linguistic lunacy.
LAURA INGRAHAM exposes some obvious truths:
Lockdowns are to control (i.e., maintain power over) citizens, not contain the spread of infectious diseases.

Citizens are cogs in the Progressive machine, to be used -- and disposed of -- as needed to maintain power.
Read it all.
BLACKOUTS: An inconvenient truth for progressives.