Tuesday, August 14, 2018

LGBTWHATEVER ALLIANCE FRACTURING? World renowned lesbian NYU professor suspended after probe finds she(?) sexually harassed gay male student.

Heh. More here.
HYPOCRISY, thy name is True Conservatism™.

ABOUT TIME: The FBI (finally) fires Peter Strzok.
TAXES, THE LAFFER CURVE and government revenue.
The purpose of government is not to squeeze the largest possible amount out of its citizens. The purpose of government is to carry out its legitimate functions as efficiently as possible, so as to enable the lowest reasonable tax rates. If those rates result in more revenue, as Milton Friedman once said, that means you haven’t cut them enough.
I like Milton Friedman.
MSM 'JOURNALISTS' are hypocrites.

Much more media hypocrisy here.
FIREFIGHTING INMATES put lie to occupational regulations.

If I were forced to choose between lower taxes and fewer regulations, it would be a no-brainer to choose fewer regulations. Lower taxes would follow as night follows day.
BABYLON BEE: Media disappointed only 30 White Nationalists showed up at event they hyped.

Satire? Or real news? You decide.