Saturday, April 04, 2015

COLLEGIATE 'SAFE SPACES': "Ignore the activists, and fire the administrators, and colleges would be much better places." Cheaper, too.
PUNCH BACK: Identify the real haters and marginalize them.
SO EXPEL HIM: It's time to fight intolerance with intolerance.
TOWNHALL: Make progressives live by their own rules.

They seem to like violence....
HEH: "You're an inspiration to greed and entitlement across the globe!"
"BECAUSE I’VE GROWN CYNICAL, I assume that Duke’s concern for privacy means the student isn’t a white fraternity member."

Instapundit's cynicism is well-founded.
CAROLINE GLICK: The diplomatic track to war.
RANDOM THOUGHT: At the very beginning of the Obama administration, do you remember Rahm Emmanuel's "Never let a crisis go to waste" comment? Well, think about this: for the last 6-1/2 years, the progressives dominating the Obama administration have been moving from one manufactured crisis to the next, with each new one built on the errors, omissions, and sins of the 'solution' the progressives created for the prior one.

We could stop this from continuing by listening very carefully to each of Obama's proposals, then doing the exact opposite.
MANHATTAN MOMENT: Returning sense and security to pensions with cash balance and defined contribution benefit plans.

Mostly because they offer less opportunity for graft, corruption, and government meddling.
AT LEAST ONE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE has big brass ... ovaries?
COSTA RICA runs on renewables for 75 days. And if it doesn't rain? Or rain enough? Not every country on Earth gets an average of six feet of rain every year.

Costa Rica is to be admired for efficient use of their renewable resources, but let's not get carried away into believing that renewables are the cure-all for every ailment.
LET US HELP FRIGHTEN YOU: Why pilotless planes aren’t the answer to preventing air disasters. It's articles like this one that exacerbate 'societal (mis)trust'.
HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE finds ‘ghosts’ of galaxies past. The photos, though small, are striking.

Not my description of McAuliffe, though it's accurate. Don't bother clicking on the link to the MSNBC post -- the goofballs there seem to think he was elected in 2013 and 'reelected' in 2014 (instead of being inaugurated). McAuliffe's gun control efforts died in committee in January 2015.
HOW, UH, ... INTERESTING: Energy Department shifts blame to White House for energy plan delays.
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures (Deal of No Deal edition) is up. I couldn't pick a single favorite this week, so here are my two favorites:

Now go and see the rest.
LOST IN SPACE: Rosetta spacecraft “confused” by comet 'droppings' following recent flyby.
The ESA [European Space Agency] said the Rosetta spacecraft is experiencing “significant difficulties in navigation” following Saturday’s close flyby of the comet. The spacecraft became “confused” by the comet’s dust, which prevented it from orienting with other stars. While it resumed normal status on Monday, operators stated that it would be a while longer before scientific observations continue.
Like driving in heavy fog without fog lamps.

BUT ACCOMODATION IS NOT IN THE LIBERALS' LEXICON: Indiana religious freedom act in accord with traditional American toleration. Best part:
Democratic Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy has banned state employees from traveling to Indiana, even though Connecticut has a similar law even more favorable to claims of religious objectors. Perhaps he should ban state employees from remaining inside Connecticut.
Perhaps Connecticut should ban stupid hypocritical Democrats from public office....
NEW YORK TIMES to Menendez: Time to go. Yes, we can't have any sensible Democrats in Congress.

Despite my anathema towards liberals and progressives in particular, I'm with Menendez on this one until proven guilty in a court of law. Menendez is a Democrat, but he is a moderate and sensible one, of which there is a dire shortage these days.