Friday, December 06, 2013

FIGURES DON'T LIE: There is no poverty in America. Unless, of course, a very large percentage of that $1 trillion is siphoned off by our ruling controlling class. Which it is.
IF IT’S WRONG TO USE slavery as a metaphor, what about all those SEIU types going on about “slave wages?”
GO TO MARS, get hit by a comet.
A SHORT COURSE on driving in Russia.

Only for those with nerves of steel and loaded up on vodka.
GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: Young Americans Expect Obamacare to Be Repealed. Nonetheless, I hope they're right.
LUNA -- the first real Death Star?
HOW MANY PEOPLE “enrolled” in ObamaCare have paid their first month of premiums?

Obama voter: "Hey, I signed up. I have to pay, too?"
COMING SOON: ObamaCare Burns Down Volunteer Fire Departments. Volunteer associations have no place in Obama's America.
HE HAS RISEN: Chris Matthews on his Obama interview: “He came to us. He came amongst us.”
THE MINIMUM WAGE AND OBAMACARE: a common denominator. In the 'reality' world where the claim is taken for the deed, they both guaranteed to work.
HEALTHCARE.GOV: So easy even a kitten can do it.

But Democrats are still having trouble.
THE AIR FORCE'S mysterious X-37B space plane nears one year in orbit. (I don't recommend the video or picture gallery -- very annoying commercials.)
DEMENTIA EPIDEMIC looms with 135 million sufferers expected by 2050. They're called 'Democrats'.
By any standard but the [government] bureaucracy’s, a website that functions 80 percent of the time is a failure. But for the 130-year-old civil service system, the ObamaCare website is practically a success.
Read the whole thing. With 'successes' like these, failure is beginning to look like a good option.
PRESIDENT OBAMA'S 'grassroots' (heh!) advocacy group Organizing for America needs interns to advocate for increasing the minimum wage. The internships are unpaid.
LET THE COMPETITION BEGIN: SpaceX succeeds in launching a satellite into geostationary orbit.
LAST MONTH I posted a parody of Jean-Claude Van Damme's Volvo commercial. Now Georgia Republican Congressional candidate Mike Collins has posted a similar parody intended to showcase "the dangers of ObamaCare."

Collins is a keeper. Vote for him.
Where will it be built?

In a decision with implications for the country’s top export industry, a dispute between Boeing and the machinists union at the company’s traditional base in Washington state has put the 777X up for grabs – not just among competing states, but among countries such as Japan with the expertise to build the plane’s most sophisticated components.
The Machinists Union in Seattle must be beginning to regret their rejection of Boeing's contract offer.