Wednesday, March 04, 2020

RANDOM THOUGHT: President Trump just wants to keep America great; the Democrats just want to defeat Trump and return to power to ... do what?

Sleep on that thought. And enjoy your nightmare....
MINI-MIKE BLOOMBERG fumbles a really basic Second Amendment question. Thankfully he's gone as a Democrat candidate, but unfortunately he'll live on influencing Joe Biden.
BERNIE SANDERS wants to tank your retirement portfolio.

It's nice to see others agree with me.
YEARS-LONG MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR NOMINATION PROCESS narrows Democrat presidential candidate field down to four worst people on planet.

For (I think) the first time, America's news of record missed one - the Democrat field is down to the three worst people on the planet.
JUST AS I THOUGHT: It wasn't coronavirus that caused the stock market drop; it was the likelihood of Bernie Sanders' Democratic Socialism.
NOT JUST 'THUD', 'Super-Thud'.
CAPITALISM HAS NO PLACE IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY: So Bloomie is gone, leaving only the Corruptocrat (Biden), Communist (Bernie), and faux Native American (Warren)  in the clown car.

Choices, choices....