Thursday, February 14, 2013

IS IT OKAY TO STEAL if you’re from the Government? Yes. Next question?
HAS OBAMA become Jack Bauer? The real question, it seems to me, in not whether he's gone Jack Bauer (he has), but whether there are any real limits on how far he can go.
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is starting a new Healthy Housing program that will no doubt make housing 'healthy' the same way it's making health care 'affordable'.

The Democrats are good with hot air and regulation; short on doing anything useful. More proof - if any is needed - that Reagan was right: government is the problem, not the solution

Because we're not slaves.
A REFLECTION ON THE PRESIDENT? The State of the Union is getting dumber: "President Obama ranks second-lowest of every president in history with a reading level of 9.2, using the Flesch-Kincaid readability test on a scale of 8 to 26."

Even then, he was over the heads of most of his supporters.
A FRIGHTENING JOURNEY: inside the mind of President Obama.
CNN: American news media reaches peak moron.
YOU DID NOTHING: time for a Thomas Paine reminder.