Sunday, February 09, 2014

BECAUSE WE WANT TO FUND OUR OWN LEISURE, NOT YOURS: Why Do Republicans Want Us To Work All The Time?

Best comment: "We won't let them own slaves; this is the next best thing."
THE EASIER TO SINK THEM: Iran sending warships close to US borders.
CHARLES LANE: Let's put an end to public-sector employee unions.

Linked from Hot Air.
WHAT IF Republicans really are doomed by demographics? Then we've reached the 'tipping point' and America as the constitutional republic we knew and loved has disappeared.
LINGERING QUESTIONS for Bill Nye "the Science Guy". I didn't see the debate and am pretty much agnostic on the whole evolution/creation issue, but the questions raised are interesting.
SHE'S A MEMBER of the American 'Used-to-Haves'. So am I. The difference is that I have a much better understanding of which political party's policies made me a 'used-to-have'.
HOLDER EXTENDS federal privileges to married same-sex couples.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced Saturday evening that the Justice Department will now follow a landmark Supreme Court ruling on same-sex spouses, which means they will no longer be compelled to testify against each other in civil and criminal cases.
So my cynical side wonders: if two DOJ lawyers are 'married' to each other, can they be forced to testify against each other in a civil proceeding against the DOJ?

IRS ABUSE: Stop payng for it! And other rogue agencies as well.
AETNA CEO: Pulling out of ObamaCare is still an option if the program doesn’t “settle down”. Is Humana soon to follow?
JONAH GOLDBERG: The campus utopians and other random thoughts.
IF YOU LIKE YOUR CURRENT HEALTHCARE, keep it (if you can). Otherwise, pay cash.
WITH UNEMPLOYMENT HIGH AND JOBS BEING ELIMINATED, when will Obama start caring? Rand Paul misses the point: Obama is caring. When people work, they make money, which removes their need for government 'support' and potentially increases income inequality. Which obviates the need for Obama to 'care'.

Remember, the sole purpose of liberalism is to ensure the (little) people get an equal share of nothing.
A CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER foiled an attempted home invasion Thursday when she grabbed her shotgun and fired near the suspects. 'At' would have been better, but even so, I suspect the burglars got the message.
IF STATES WERE COUNTRIES, here's what the U.S. would look like.
DON SURBER: The lake, the boat, and the noodle salad.