Sunday, June 19, 2016

WORDS DON'T MATTER -- until they do.

DON SURBER ON ELECTION 2016: "This election is a clash of visions of America. Trump's idea is to protect America from terrorists. Hillary's idea is to protect terrorists from America."
THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO SAY IT: Minimum wage laws are racist.

And they're championed by Democrats....
'THIN-SKINNED RACIST BULLIES' ARE GETTING DESPERATE: Elizabeth Warren blasts Trump on several topics in New Hampshire speech.

The 'thin-skinned racist bullies' are not the Republicans.
The ends justify the means for the political left – and always have. Motivated by hate – for opponents, the Constitution and anyone who won’t submit to their belief of moral and intellectual superiority – there is no depth to which they will not sink, no pile of bodies on which they will not dance to advance their agenda. In then end it’s sad, it’s disturbing, it’s fascistic, and it’s progressive…and we are not, which is why they hate us.
And you thought it was about radical Islamic jihadists. Didn't you?
NATIONAL REVIEW: The Left’s phony war on guns.