Sunday, March 22, 2015

John Urschel, an offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens, recently co-authored a paper in the Journal of Computational Mathematics titled "A Cascadic Multigrid Algorithm for Computing the Fiedler Vector of Graph Laplacians” ....
And yes, that’s out of my league. Well out of my league.
STARBUCKS FAIL: We want coffee, not lectures discussion.

Well, maybe with one exception....

More mockery here.
FORMER REP. FRANK WOLF (R-VA): "[Obama] has the worst record of any president in modern times on religious freedom — this administration has been a disaster."

Let's hope this record isn't broken for another 224 years
CONGRATULATE ME: I earned a 'feminist' trigger warning.
OBAMA: Let’s make voting mandatory.

It’s much cheaper for the Democrats than raiding cemetaries and buying votes....

My preference is to make voting harder.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: the rising cost of medical care.
WHY ASTRONAUTS should not eat beans.
LAW SCHOOL APPLICATIONS hit 15-year low. And why not? With government by executive fiat, who needs lawyers?
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is ready to enlist foreign governments to work against the nearly unanimous will of the American people, whose elected representatives, who are wholeheartedly backing continued sanctions against Iran.

Actually Obama's overreach may not be such a bad idea. as it would almost certainly ensure that the next (Republican) President would withdraw from the United Nations and kick those roaches out of Turtle Bay.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has already started that ball rolling.
ARE HUMANS really headed to mars anytime soon? Probably not in the near future, but yes, they will go. I’m just hoping to still be around when the first landing takes place.

And Space-X appears to be planning to provide transportation.
YESTERDAY IS HERE FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY: Remember yesterday’s post about the ‘diet choker’ to monitor your eating habits? Well, dial the wayback machine to 5 years ago today. The differences are merely cosmetic.
IF YOU'RE FOR THE LITTLE GUY, you should be a conservative.
THOMAS SOWELL with two warnings for the Obama administration ... called World Wars I and II.
EPA: regulate this!

How many miles (feet? inches?) does an EPA official have to fly to equal the emissions of one barbeque grill?
ENVIRONMENTAL ‘PROTECTION’ AGENCY: We can will have pristine skies by driving the economy into the ground.

More here and here.

Long (an hour), but very interesting. A short lede discussing Hillary is here.