Friday, December 18, 2015

JUST IN TIME FOR STAR WARS: Cosmic lightsaber slices through clouds.

The power of the Force.
YES, BERNIE, run as an independent. Please.
STAR WARS: Revenge of the Social-Justice Warriors.

Reminder: here's that 'trigger warning' for the SJW crowd.
JACK DUNPHY: Who is Rahm Emanuel's designated patsy?
NATIONAL REVIEW: Is Bruce Jenner allowed to think for himself?

Of course not. Progressivism's defined victims can not - must not - be allowed to think for themselves.
DON'T VOTE FOR BERNIE -- yet. Everything is not yet free.
SO WHAT'S NEW? Obama more concerned with protecting the rights of Islamists than protecting the American people.
HEALTH NEWS: Drinking coffee tied to lower risk of death. With the amount of coffee I drink, I'll never die.....
GEORGE WILL: To commemorate the Paris climate conference, let's celebrate ... coal.
In May 1945, Aneurin Bevan, a leading light among British socialists, said: “This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time.” Genius was not required. Socialism — command-and-control government of the sort that climate fine-tuners recommend for the entire planet — soon accomplished this marvel, with coal rationed and the price of fish soaring.
WHILE RACING TO REUSABILITY: SpaceX is launching its most powerful rocket for the first time this weekend.
BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT shows contempt for property rights. In just 3 western states (Nevada, Utah, and Idaho) the federal government owns a total of 503,000 square kilometers of land - about 70% of the total land area of those states - and they want more?

And did I mention that the Environmental Pollution Protection Agency wants to extend its control to the rainwater puddles in our back yards?
"REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS, channeling U.S. troop frustration at having their hands tied in the war on the Islamic State, are calling for the ages-old "rules of engagement" to be rewritten to allow wider attacks on the terrorists."

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson understands.
RENEWABLE ENERGY: Could it be the cost?

Plus there's this gem from the comments: "If Government money that is currently directed for scientific research for AGW study was suddenly reversed and was paid to de-bunk AGW, you’d soon have 97% consensus that man is not causing the earth to warm up."