Monday, June 17, 2019

WHY DO THE SELF-IDENTIFIED ‘DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS’ feel it’s OK to force those who’d rather be free into their collective? Like, say, ObamaCare? Or Bernie's Medicare for All?

ANSWER: Because they know what's best for you, whether you like it or not. And because it increases their opportunities for graft, corruption, and control. Most of all, control.
TAKE THE TOUR: You, too, can be a useful idiot.
IN THE NEAR FUTURE, you could be seated in an airplane's wings.

Window seats will be at a premium....
MANDATING GUN LOCKS can have unintended consequences.

Like making home invasions safer ... for the criminals.
LEFTISTS WILL BE LEFTISTS declaring their pet issues off limits for debate.

Why? Because shut up.
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, this view of the 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate frontrunners:

The 'B' Team: Biden, Bernie, Beth, and Buttigeig.

Now go see the rest of this week's cartoons.