Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Venezuela’s catastrophic experiment with Bernie Sanders/Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez style socialism appears to be drawing to a close. Mass demonstrations against the Chavez/Maduro regime have broken out across the country:

The Venezuelan Army, which has kept the socialists in power through brute force–how else does a socialist government ever maintain control?–appears to be wavering. Today, President Trump recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido, the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, as interim President of Venezuela. Trump’s move was followed by Brazil, Argentina, Chili, Canada, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Of course no one can say it in polite society, but this is one of a number of impressive foreign policy successes the Trump administration has scored.
I'm posting this tonight in the hope that by tomorrow morning I can proclaim that Trump-mas has arrived.
WITH EVERY PASSING TWEET, the Dimocrats are proving I haven't misspelled their party name.
IT'S CHICK-FIL-A TIME: Covington kids going to the White House.
Two thoughts, Miz Nancy:

(1) It's not your House of Representatives; it's MINE.
(2) If the government is closed, why are you getting paid?

For anyone willing to join in, her contact page is here.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY) continues her relentless career of not knowing things by getting her facts wrong about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
PRESS THAT SICCED MOB ON TEENAGERS based on 10-second video clip unsure why some people call them ‘fake news.’ To paraphrase Whoopi Goldberg, just because it was fake news doesn't mean it wasn't 'fake-fake' news.
WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT? Washington D.C. forced segregation on the nation.

Read the whole thing, and then, a thought for you to consider: during the roughly 34 years covered in the article (1929-1963) the Party of 'Tolerance' (Democrats) was in charge roughly 2/3 of the time. Democrats held the Senate 26 of 34 years, the House 24 of 34 years, and the Presidency 22 of 34 years.

Keep that in mind the next time some Democrat calls you racist, sexist, homophobic, or bigoted.
While the public school system claimed it “only” spent $12,073 per pupil in 2017, this number excludes the cost of buildings and other depreciable assets. A study noted that were these expenses to be included, the per-pupil cost would more than double the official figure. In other words, the lousy education that Los Angeles public schools provides actually costs taxpayers more than sending students to most private schools. The problem isn’t money; it’s government incompetence.
I am so glad we no longer live there.
JUST NOT FOR ME: A cold winter jump.

Snow is what you look at from afar (preferly Florida) and not from above.
NATHAN PHILLIPS’ DD-214 RELEASED – and shows he’s not quite what he claims. Not by a long shot.

From the comments:
(1)  This isn't his first stunt and if we don't make him too toxic for even the left to touch, I guarantee it won't be his last. That "old man" stuck his nose and tom-tom into our faces demanding attention. Well, he's got it and we need to make him damned sorry he did get our attention. He's an old man but not an innocent one any more than "old man" Sharpton is or old man Reid was.

(2)  We're about the same age and if I went out looking to make trouble I'd deserve to find it and be burned by it as does he.... As a cautionary tale to the left [not that they'll learn from it] if nothing else.

Mostly because we need to scorch some patches of their earth, too.

(3)  [W]e need to burn this guy to the ground so he's never again able to pull a stunt like this. He needs to be made radioactive.
My sentiments exactly. Now if someone could just find out what 'tribe' he belongs to and whether or not he's actually an 'elder'. My guess is 'no' on both counts.
SO, IS HE A 'TRIBAL ELDER'? Nathan Phillips is not a Vietnam vet.

MORE: 500,000 more votes for Trump in 2020.

UPDATE: what I've been reading about Mr. Phillips suggests that he's in fact a tribal older, not a tribal elder, meaning that he appears to hold no leadership role within whatever Native American tribe he belongs to.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 26 of 26 gun control bills fail to pass in Virginia. Here's a thought for the gun controllers:

Think seriously.
LAWYER FOR COVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL FAMILIES threatens lawsuits against mainstream media unless they retract their false stories.

It's too bad he can't threaten criminal prosecution; I think an 8'x8' jail cell is a more appropriate solution.

UPDATE: Are lawsuits on?
BERNIE SANDERS: 'It gives me no pleasure' to call Trump a racist.

Seriously? You expect me to believe you?
DAVID BERNSTEIN on MAGA hats. "Seemingly" is the key adjective.
THE PRESIDENT WEIGHS IN on the Covington contremps.

I agree with Instapundit; he should invite them to the White House for Chick-fil-A. And as his guests at the State of the Union....
YES, LETS PUNCH BACK: David Hogg meets protestors at Penn State speech.

His 15 minutes of fame are turning into 15 hours of disgrace....
SHE'S THE LEAST WORST: Here's why Kamala Harris is still my pick to win the Democratic nomination.

The cream of the Democratic party has risen to the top -- and soured.
I HOPE IT'S PERMANENT: Twitter suspends account that spread the false narrative about Covington School students.
“IF I WALKED UP TO A GROUP OF ANTIFA THUGS and started banging a drum inches from their faces, what would happen to me?” And would the Leftist 'twitterettes' condemn them?
IF IT WEREN'T FOR DOUBLE STANDARDS ... Liberals believe tolerance requires Republicans be banned.

Will they feel differently when Republicans take control of Congress?
LIBERALS ARE BIGOTS, but it's okay because that kid had a MAGA hat.

Remember, only Republicans are allowed to be official bigots.
VILE RACISM IS ALIVE AND WELL in every region of the United States. What are you doing to end it?

Welll, first, I'd look at the data to see who the 'vile racists' are. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that the vast majority will prove to be members of the professional victimhood. And their enablers.