SPRING LIVES: Episode 3 of the series.
Here's the third week set of pictures. This first one is my standard pond view picture, just taken close to the tulip tree (saucer magnolia, according to my daughter-in-law) to show the flowers that have bloomed. It should start showing leaves by next weekend as we're beginning to see some buds.
We call it our 'butterfly bush' because it attracts an inordinate number of butterflies as summer progresses.
I've skipped the usual house photo this week in favor of looking out to the fire pit from roughly the same vantage point as the photo above. The bushes along the stairway have begun to green out, but the trees are still pretty much bud-free and this week's cold spell hasn't encouraged them. Maybe there will be some buds by next week.
The final photo of the week is of the pond and house combined, taken from the back side of the pond with a noon sun, so it's not quite as washed out as is usual with my little phone's camera.
The house is clearly visible, as is the stair winding up to it. By summer, the house will be almost completely obscured by the foliage; the stair will be visible only if you know where to look.
Here are
last week's pictures for comparison. You can link back from there to the beginning.