Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ANN COULTER: Please, please more Democrat debates!
ISSUES & INSIGHTS: Scientists gone mad.

As a point of clarification: on the progressive Left there are no scientists, only pseudoscientists.
SAN FRANCISCO expands its travel ban to pro-life states. Personally, I suspect that there are 49 (maybe 50) states that have de facto travel bans to San Francisco.
FACT CHECK: Tom Steyer says 90% haven't had a raise for 40 years.

Hmm. I just went down to the basement and checked my 1978 tax return. Even in retirement (where my 'salary' is much lower), I'm making about 35% more than I did in 1978 - after adjusting for 40 years of inflation.

To be fair to Tom, however, I suppose it's much more difficult for a billionaire to get a raise....
ONLY SEVEN? The seven most ridiculous economic mistakes from the Democrat debate.

More proof - if any is needed - that Democrats are economically illiterate.

On second thought, strike 'economically'.
DON'T GIVE UP: How small cities and towns can right their ship.

Read the comments. Note that the naysayers are almost uniformly of the righteous "How dare they attempt to make a profit by doing good? Don't they know that only Government (or its authorized agents) are allowed to do good?"
RANDOM THOUGHT: The global elite have convinced themselves that they were born to rule forever. The rest of us - not so much. Now they're having a pearl-clutching hissy - how dare we choose not to accept their superior wisdom!
IMPRIMIS: Clarence Thomas and the lost Constitution.

Without free men, there is no freedom.