Thursday, May 24, 2018

35,000 MORE JOBS. Obama hardest hit.
BUT OF COURSE: Rent seekers gotta seek rents. Occupational licensing restrictions are nothing more than a state bureaucratic scam to make money while controlling the peasantry.
MORE SCENES of academic suicide.
THE PROBLEM WITH CNN’S SCHOOL SHOOTING COUNT: Nearly half of incidents identified this year are unlikely to be recognized by most as school shootings.

It's about gun control, not school shootings.
FROM THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION: new hope and more change.
WASHINGTON POST: The U.S. doesn’t have enough truckers.

Perhaps the U.S. could follow Germany's lead.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: Hey, James Clapper, why didn't you spy on Hillary?
Rush Limbaugh angrily dismissed ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's assertion an informant in the Trump campaign was spying on Russians to protect the candidate — asking why there were not spies in Hillary Clinton's camp.

"Why didn't they have spies in Hillary's campaign? Why weren't they trying to prevent Russian involvement in her campaign?"
I'd sure like to see Clapper asked that question directly. He'd spin himself into a faceplant in seconds.
TWEET OF THE DAY: "I'm renaming my AR-15s 'MS-13s' so the Democrats will protect them."

PUNCHING BACK TWICE AS HARD is 'not nice', but it is necessary - and effective.
PRESIDENT TRUMP calls off North Korea summit over Kim Jong Un's 'open hostility'.

I would have done nothing and let Kim Jong Un call off the summit, but I've learned over the last 16 months that it's not wise to try and second-guess our President.

No wonder the Left is apoplectic ... that's an 14-point gap as of today.
PLEASE DO: FBI agents want Congress to issue them subpoenas so they can reveal the Bureau’s dirt.
WHOPPER OF THE DECADE: James Clapper says Obama’s deep state was just trying to ‘protect’ Trump’s campaign.

The fact that Clapper is spinning so furiously suggests that he's really worried about a possible criminal indictment. Expect him to 'lawyer up' soon.
WHOLE LOTTA LYIN’ GOIN’ ON: True origin of the Trump 'collusion' probe.
The Trump-Russia investigation did not originate with Page or Papadopoulos. It originated with the Obama administration.
Follow the embedded links for more.
WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE? President Trump expressed sympathy for the parents whose sons and daughters were killed by MS-13 animals. Has he no sympathy for parents whose children are of other genders?

BTW, calling MS-13 members 'animals' is an insult to real animals.
GEORGETOWN STUDENTS host community dialogue on racism, ask white allies not to attend. Click on the link for an explanation.