Friday, May 02, 2014

AMMO GRRRLL: We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.
HEH: Court Jesters treated unfairly.
THE ISSUE WITH BENGHAZI: Who told Hillary Clinton to blame the video? Given the latest hoop-la, I would be unsurprised if it proves to be Hillary Clinton herself who decided to blame the video.
CAL THOMAS: Newfound faith among liberal Democrats is still mostly for show.
CLIMATE CHANGE: bad arguments and good arguments. I do find it interesting that the 'bad' arguments are almost uniformly misunderstandings of (not necessarily elementary) physics; the 'good' arguments are almost uniformly common sense.
JAY CARNEY: We dispute the GOP’s paid enrollment numbers for ObamaCare, and no, we don’t have any numbers of our own.

Umm. Just thinkin'. How can you dispute my numbers if you don't have numbers of your own to dispute them with? (And yes, I know; liberals don't think, they emote.)

I understand the argument about the surge in late sign-ups, but given the past history of ObamaCare, I doubt the late sign-ups will significantly affect the outcome.
FOOD NANNIES: Hey, we're concerned about keeping your food safe -- not ours.
RISK FACTOR: IT glitches of the week. As schools begin end-of-year testing, on-line examinations are taking quite a hit.
MICHIGAN UNION loses 80 percent of members in one year. It'll be 100% when Harris v Quinn is decided.
After Ted Kennedy drowned Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick Island, the Kennedy family’s lawyers and other advisers held a conclave at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port to plot a survival strategy. It was reported that Teddy himself did not participate in the meeting. Instead, he was on the beach flying a kite: Teddy was considered too dumb to be of any use.

Are Barack and Hillary viewed the same way within the administration? Are they mere seat-warmers, considered too inept to be involved in serious decision-making?
Good questions all.
LYING TO ADVANCE A NARRATIVE: These Two Astonishing Moments Happened on MSNBC Last Night.

Benghazi? What Benghazi?
IF EVERYBODY IN AMERICA had the opportunity to pack up and move to the state of their choice, Illinois, Connecticut, and Maryland would empty out.

Linked from Instapundit, who snarks that the 50% who would stay in Illinois are probably state employees.
DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between a barista who went to college and one who didn’t? $800 a month in student loan payments.
JUST ANOTHER CHICAGO DAY: Former Rahm Emanuel aide arrested in Pakistan. He's getting a better deal in Pakistan, though. Ahmad was facing a 15-year prison term in the U.S.; in Pakistan, he'll only get 14 years.
CONTINUING UPDATE: Peeling the onion of ObamaCare fail.
THE BEST OF HANDS: The appalling Obama foreign policy team.
POWERLINE: the United States of Disability.
TOUGH LUCK, SEIU: Membership and revenues plummet after the reversal of a measure that forced caregivers tending to friends or relatives to be members, with their dues paid by those for whom they cared.
BEEN THERE, done that.
OBAMACARE: Is a 'death spiral' likely? I think so, but only time will tell.
FACTS AND LIES in political speech:
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As applied to elections, [John] Adams’ statement relies on candidates and their supporters to at least try to conduct themselves honorably, and on voters to put in the necessary effort to determine the truth. I don’t think I’m out of line in being pessimistic that these things will consistently occur.
So am I.
A REMINDER that it isn’t only other people’s dirty laundry that the whole world can get a good look at. It is yours and mine, too.
SENATE DEMOCRATS plan vote to amend the First Amendment to curtail criticism. And Harry Reid, their Majority Leader, is busy demanding the Washington Redskins change their name.

But on the economy? On jobs? On foreign policy? On the budget? ... crickets.

They're working hard to energize their base. Peoples' business be damned.