Saturday, November 02, 2013

NEWT GINGRICH: ObamaCare's marriage penalty and divorce incentive. Believe it; here's more data.

MSNBC 'analyst' feels differently. I'll go with data.
MORE AUTUMN LEAVES: All these photos were taken in our neighborhood.

IF YOU LIKE YOUR HEALTH PLAN, you can keep your heath plan -- if Obama approves.
HEH: "As I have noted in the past, despite various people’s repeated insistence on his genius, there’s not much actual evidence that Obama is especially bright. While evidence to the contrary keeps piling up. . . ."
I MUST BE RACIST; I own a gun. It seems likely that this 'study' is simply more proof that the mentally incompetent have been institutionalized -- in academia.
AUTUMN LEAVES IV: Here's this weeks of the autumn leaves at our 'ranch':

And here's what it looks like from the front porch:

For a comparison with last week, go here.
ALL SHAM, NO WOW: How Obama measures up as a television pitchman. The video is here.
A TEST IN ALABAMA of business efforts to derail the Tea Party.

For the uninformed, a little history: in an earlier day, today's Republican establishment would have been justly described as conservative-leaning Democrats (the usual term is 'blue dog Democrats'); the so-called 'Tea Party extremists' were the 'mainstream Republicans'.

Perhaps it will be that way again someday. Someday soon.