Friday, August 14, 2015

WASHINGTON EXAMINER: With an EPA this incompetent, who needs robber-barons?
HMM: Democrats start to worry about the Clinton email scandal. So who's about to jump in? Biden? Warren? Kerry? Gore?
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY finally does some useful research with beer delivering robots.
OH, MY: Save an endangered species; use a condom. There's gotta be a 'wildlife' joke in there somewhere....
SSH! DON'T TELL THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Sixth Planned Parenthood video reveals organs harvested without consent.
ISS PICTURES are being used to map global light pollution.

So turning on the lights at night is now 'pollution'? What's next? No citronella candles at night to ward off mosquitos?
OF COURSE THEY DID: Did Team Hillary remove classification markings from documents on her server?

Classified material -- especially TS/SCI material -- is held on systems that are physically and electronically separate from GENSER (general service) systems holding unclassified and official use only material. For TS/SCI material to be found on Hillary's server, it had to have been downloaded from the classified system to a removable media (for example, a USB drive), transported to an unclassified system and uploaded. There's no other way.

And that's a felony: 10 years and a $10,000 fine on the paperwork I signed (repeatedly) when I held such clearances.
CULTURAL CLEANSERS want to ban 'Dixie'.

They want to ban history because they're afraid of it.
BOBBY JINDAL: It's the melting pot, not the salad bowl. I, too, am tired of hyphenated Americans. Would that more Republican candidates speak of immigration as does Jindal.
THE ECONOMIST: Gun sales have doubled under Obama. And the murder rate is down - but that part is to be whispered, not shouted from the rooftops.
MAKING SENSE OF TRUMPIAN POPULISM: "[V]oters pay more attention to the tune than to the lyrics."

No one on either side of the political spectrum is happy with the ruling class, so Trump's apparent contempt of them is music to the ears.
WALTER E. WILLIAMS: Academic fascism.
"There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them."
And they're alive and well on college campuses....
YOUR WI-FI MAY BE SPYING ON YOU: Researchers have devised a system for detecting the Doppler shifts of ubiquitous Wi-Fi and mobile telephone signals to “see” people moving, even behind masonry walls 10 inches thick.
EXCEPTIONAL AMERICANS: Madman Muntz. Posted because vaguely, from somwhere, I remember him.

... to Planned Parenthood.