Friday, February 04, 2011

BUT WE’RE NOT RACIST: Protesters threaten black man with death.
QUIT WHINING: Jonathan Turley on ObamaCare’s severability clause. “Even if one accepts that the removal of the clause was just some colossal, inexplicable blunder, ... the result was a Ford Pinto law — a fast and cheap vehicle that would explode with even low-speed collisions.”
ELIZABETH SCALIA on credentials and faith: “People understood that there was more than one way to learn, or that ideas could be burnished and gifts could be nourished by sheer curiosity sustained on a pilot-light of passion, even without the consent and certification of an appointed body.”

Read it all.
HAVING TO RAISE the debt ceiling yet again is a sign that Congress has failed to do what is necessary to get the nation’s finances in order. So what’s new?
FOUR MONTHS, 1235 planets.

Linked from Instapundit.
WE CAN’T BE WRONG. We’re the New York Times.
VAN JONES: “We Will Not Live on an Economic Plantation Run by the Koch Brothers.”

No, he wants the rest of to live on an economic plantation run by him.
SURPRISE, SURPRISE: political correctness prevented FBI, DoD from stopping Maj. Hasan. Wasn’t that obvious at the outset?
WASHINGTON POST COLUMNIST Ruth Marcus whines “Hey, it’s my Constitution, too.” To which the American people have responded, “Yes, and you can have it back when we determine you can use it responsibly.”
SCHOOL CHOICE: a cost-saving remedy for destitute states. Well, bankruptcy isn’t my preferred option, and this may prove to be a useful tool to break the back of the state education monopoly.
BIGELOW AEROSPACE may build commercial space station plant in Florida.

Another “inflatable” spacecraft concept is here.
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION: “hangar homes” won't fly at public airports.

John Travolta won’t be happy. Well, except that he probably owns his own airport.
REP. JANE HARMAN (D-CA) “makes the case that despite Tucson shooter Jared Loughner being ‘a lone gunman who had lost all sense of reality’ and ‘had no connection to the recent spate of Al Qaeda materials available on the Internet’ we should enact gun control because of the Al Qaeda materials on the internet that Loughner could have accessed. Or something.”
OBAMA ISSUES global warming rules in January, gives GE an exemption in February.

Nothing to see here, folks. Just move along now.
SEGREGATION: it’s not just for conservatives any more.

It never was; but that has always been the liberal spin.