Saturday, December 15, 2012

THE VERDICT IS IN: Americans are certifiably nuts. At least half of them anyway.

And they elected one of their own as President.
GUNMAN KILLS 20 children, 6 adults at Connecticut elementary school.

As I write this, it's less than 24 hours after the shootings and already the search for something to blame (guns; video games; etc.; etc.) is well underway.

Personally, I blame liberals, especially those of the progressive variety. For at least the last 30 years, liberals have done their best to 'dehumanize' humanity. Only 'designated' victims have worth. Everyone has rights, but none have responsibilities. Morals are defined by circumstance. Contempt is the only acceptable response to disagreement. Violence is the only acceptable response to failure.

With a culture steeped in those values, is Connecticut any surprise?

Donald Sensing has more.
IT'S TIME for the GOP to push Obama off the fiscal cliff.
IS IT PATRIOTIC to pay excess taxes? Only if you're not the one paying them.
TV’S FUTURE: The Broadcast Empire Strikes Back.
CALIFORNIA JUDGE says victims' body can prevent rape. Since it was also reported in the Washington Post, we can safely infer that the judge was a Republican.
MICHAEL BARONE: Are blue states beginning to turn red?
PROPOSED ARMY MANUAL tells G.I.s not to insult Taliban or speak up for women. If we're not allowed to support American values, then why in hell are we there?
A CHICKEN COUP: Eggshells for energy storage. And if you used eggshells in the battery of your electric car, it would be a 'chicken coupe'.
YES, DAMMIT, let's tax the rich.

It would be much better to get 'em where it really hurts -- deductions and loopholes, but if Republicans must, let the Democrats have their tax hikes and make sure the Democrat brand is nailed solidly to the hike.
MORNING EXAMINER: The not-so-emergency Sandy spending bill. As usual, it's not about helping; it's about controlling.
CAN WE HAVE a liberal America without unions? No, liberalism requires thugs to do its bidding.