Monday, December 17, 2012

FEDERAL EMPLOYEES are overpaid, underworked, and ... unhappy. As someone who has been 'retired' -- a euphemism for unemployed, by the way -- for over two years, my sympathy meter is completely underwhelmed.
IN WASHINGTON, the goal is control of private wealth.
[E]conomic growth and prosperity ... is not the agenda of President Obama and his party. By taking more money away from “rich” people and by spending more money on “stimulus projects,” the President is able to control more wealth that is currently in possession of private individuals, and then re-distribute that wealth to people whom he believes are deserving of it and spend it on things that are important to him.
Read it all.
DO CIVILIANS ARMED WITH GUNS ever capture, kill, or otherwise stop mass shooters? Er, yes.
HOW TO DECIDE if space tourists are fit to fly.

How do we decide if aircraft passengers are fit to fly? One would think the person paying the bill ought to have some say in the matter....
TEXAS SCHOOL DISTRICT will let teachers carry guns.
THIS SHOULD BE ENOUGH to cause any atheist to rethink his position. There's no joy in atheism.
IT ISN'T GUNS, it's the moral decay of society.

As I wrote.
IS OBAMACARE REELING? Well, yes. More examples:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield premiums to rise.

Aetna premiums to rise.

Thirty-five states refuse to set up ObamaCare exchanges.

The long-term drivers [of the fiscal crisis] are Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and subsidies for the health-care exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act.
But other than that, everything is just fine.
A DARK AND GLOOMY DAY: Pictures from around the neighborhood.

But it's not cold.
HOPE & CHANGE: Broadening the misery base.

Linked from Instapundit.
A QUESTION FOR THE LEFT: Have you no decency?

To the Left, violence -- or threats of it -- are the only answer.

WHY THE CLACKAMAS MALL SHOOTER killed so few people. Uh, why didn't this make it into the MSM?
IT'S NOT THE SYSTEM; it's the servers.
MARK STEYN on why the doctor won't see you now:
The Yellow Pages lists more health insurers than physicians, which would not seem to be an obvious business model [for medical care].
Read the rest.

I was shooting at 6 specific areas while sighting in my handgun: head, heart, left shoulder, right shoulder, left abdomen, right abdomen. Only a wee correction is still needed.
"EXPERIENCE" -- What we’re really shopping for. Really? I think I'd rather just wear my jeans than experience them.