Thursday, March 08, 2012

GOOD: ‘Super PAC’ Increasing Congress’s Sense of Insecurity. I can understand the concern associated with having an out-of-state/district PAC, but increasingly even 'local' elections have national impact....
TECHWISE CONVERSATIONS: Fukushima, One Year After.

More here.
MORE THAN HALF of Obama’s 47 biggest fundraisers, those who collected at least $500,000 for his campaign, have been given administration jobs.

And, of course, the opportunity to recover their campaign contributions....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON on the Middle East: "Tribalism, oil and Islamic fundamentalism are a bad mix that leave Americans sick and tired of the Middle East -- both when they get in it and when they try to stay out of it."

There are two remaining options: (1) colonization; and (2) destroying every vestige of civilization and then leaving - permanently. I prefer the latter.
RED SKY IN THE MORNING; political bureaucracy take warning.

The entrenched bureaucracy -- on both sides -- should, but won't, take heed.
TECHWISE CONVERSATIONS: Obama wins 2012 in a squeaker. I sure hope that prediction engine is wrong. Badly wrong.
ON IRAN AND ENTITLEMENTS, Obama kicks the can down the road. No, over the precipice.
DARPA’S “CHEETAH” sets land speed record.

I don't think I'd want it chasing me ....
NO, NO, IT WAS BUSH'S FAULT! Moon Tied To Crash Of The Titanic.
NEWT GINGRICH: "America has a destiny in space."
I want to restate: America has a destiny in space. That’s who we are. We are not backing off John F. Kennedy’s challenges, and we are not going to let the Chinese dominate the future in space.
That's why I like Gingrich -- boldness and vision.
STIMULUS FAIL: what happens when you look only at the benefits side of the equation. Another good reason why each house of Congress needs a few good systems engineers.
THE CHEVY VOLT is a failure, so it must be the Republicans' fault.

Talking Points Memo: the spin starts here.
WIND POWER: subsidizing companies to not produce subsidized energy. Just another benefit of crony capitalism from the White House.
MICHELLE MALKIN: The War on Conservative Women.
CAPITALISM IS GREAT. It's the only system with a moral core because it's based on freedom, not force.