Monday, August 05, 2019

EARNESTLY STUPID, PART III: Democratic socialists convention erupts due to 'sensory overload,' gendered pronoun usage.

N.B. If I keep using this lede, I'm gonna run out of Roman numerals in no time....

Update: If you can stand to watch, here's the video.
ER, HOW MUCH IS 1+1? Math professor who argues against ‘truths and knowledge’ to host Carleton College convocation.
OH, COME ON. WHAT UNIVERSE DOES HE LIVE IN? Mayor Pete says ‘white nationalist terrorism,’ NRA to blame for shootings.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ explains 'Medicare for All'.
CHARLIE MARTIN: What we aren't hearing about west Baltimore.

What we are hearing is "the virtue preeners [making it] clear that they honestly don't give a good godd*mn about those people; they just want to score on Trump."
WHEN IS A FASCIST NOT A FASCIST? When the progressive language police are in charge.
SALENA ZETO on real rural America, not the media version.