Saturday, June 01, 2013

LOIS LERNER TO GOP CANDIDATE: Promise to Never Run Again and I’ll Stop Harassing You. Sue the bastards. Sue them professionally; and sue them personally.
CLIMATE CHANGE: We're still doomed! Just not as doomed as we thought.
ACORN GETS A NEW JOB: Health care 'navigator'.
EPA A JOB KILLER? How about just killer, period.
MSNBC'S CHRIS HAYES: There must be DOJ search warrants aimed at journalists who reported pro-Obama leaks too, right? Oh, of course. And we'll show them to you as soon as we can find a judge who will backdate and sign them.....
LEFTIST GOVERNOR wants bad progressive ideas to spread to other states. The best decision we ever made was to move to Virginia instead of Maryland. The worst decision we ever made was to leave Texas ... even Austin, Texas.
WHAT HATH OBAMACARE WROUGHT: Doctor stops accepting insurance, posts prices online.