Friday, April 20, 2012

COMPLETE WITH ROBOT PIMPS? Brothels will offer robot prostitutes by 2050.
IF WE CAN'T CONTROL GUNS, we must control the internet.
CONTRADICTING FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA’S signature public policy initiative, two new studies show that poor urban neighborhoods not only have more fast food restaurants and convenience stores than more affluent ones, but more grocery stores, supermarkets and full-service restaurants, too.
JOE KENNEDY III: no gasoline, no electricity, no solutions.
GOODBYE, BANK OF AMERICA: Bank of America Reportedly Drops Gun Company for Political Reasons.
EPA'S SIX-WORD ESSAY CONTEST: "One planet. One people. Billion regulations."
NANCY PELOSI: We have a clear agenda to amend the First Amendment.

Ah, yes -- freedom for me, but not for thee.
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Obama Ate A Dog Edition. Much more here.
SEN. HARRY REID: Save the Postal Service, seniors love getting junk mail.

Then why do I throw it in the trash unopened?
DEMOCRAT BUDGET sunk by Senate Majority Leader (who just happens to be a Democrat).

Budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget; it interferes with our spending.
BLOOMBERG'S NYC: Fraud is okay, but beware the salt police.
ANN COULTER: Negroes With Guns.

"Gun control is always a scheme of the powerful to deprive the powerless of the right to self-defense."
SAVE THE RUBBER DUCKY from the fear nannies.
EVEN THE OBAMAS are doing worse under President Obama.
DR. NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON calls for invigoration of national spirit through increased space exploration. So why not follow Newt Gingrich's suggestion and offer a (say) $10 billion 'X-Prize' plus a lunar land grant for the first established lunar colony?
NEVER LET IT BE SAID the Navy has no sense of humor.