Tuesday, September 29, 2020

WUHAN FLU [CORONAVIRUS] UPDATE for September 29, 2020: After being out of town and missing several days, hopefully I'm back on a Tuesday-Friday update schedule again.

Before going further, here are two links from PowerLine that tend to reinforce my profound antipathy toward our Deep State and their HealthScareTM professional minions. Read them both and I think you'll find three things clear: (1) it's all about power and control; (2) the Deep State isn't about to give it up; and (3) the 'little people' are fed up.

Now on to reporting. This is data from yesterday, since the data for the 29th has not yet been posted (at 8 pm) although it is supposedly posted daily between 5 and 7 pm.
The 'pandemic' remains basically the same. Daily deaths remain in the low-700s, showing that last week's spike has stabilized. Neither of the two sources I use for data are showing consistent data. Revisions are endemic.

Trends, however, are harder to muck with, and they remain positive -- meaning continuing to decline -- albeit at a somewhat slower rate. Global data, which I track but don't post, is continuing its steady decline.

In Georgia, confirmed cases, daily deaths, and hospitalizations remain stable or declining.
THE DATA IS IN: PowerLine revisits COVID-19 in five Upper Midwestern states.

In short, the pandemic is over, except for the desperation of the power-hungry control monsters.
REDISTRIBUTION I CAN SUPPORT: UNC grad students call for administrators’ salaries to be ‘redistributed.’ Although I would prefer to redistribute the administrators themselves -- to the welfare rolls where they belong.
NEWS FROM DE BLASIO'S TIMES SQUARE: No ball drop on New Year's Eve.

Oh, there will be a ball drop, but it may be a wrecking ball on Mayor de Blasio's head....
JOE ROGAN VS. NPR WORLD: NPR world loses. I quit NPR years ago; my son more recently. Read it all to find out why.

And read the comments, too.
WHY I DON'T TRUST THE CLOUD: Widespread reports of 911 system outages.

Or Microsoft. Or Google. Or Facebook.
Biden’s Texas political director implicated in massive mail-in ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County [Houston].

Voter fraud in Ilhan Omar’s district.
It can't be fraud; we've been doing this for ages....