Friday, April 05, 2019

IT'S DIFFERENT when we do it. Because shut up.
WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT? A black racist antisemite emerges as a 2020 Democrat kingmaker.

No surprise, I guess.
NO PRIVACY AT ALL: Even your wrecked car is spying on you. And not necessarily even your wrecked car....
TUCKER CARLSON and the art of the insult.

Tucker, keep after those maroons engaging in lying, pomposity, and groupthink.
Mockery works.
STACEY ABRAMS: I’m the real winner of the Georgia gubernatorial election.

So, um, why is Brian Kemp in the Governor's office?
WELL, THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS: Nearly half of men believe the pay gap is ‘made up’.
THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER (SPLC): neither southern nor impoverished.

Good riddance.
BLUE CITY picks up the hammer and sickle.
SO VERY TRUE: There’s something rotten in academia.
IF ONLY SNOWFLAKES WERE A THING OF THE PAST: snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.
ZERO HEDGE: Is Trump laying a trap for Democrats on immigration?

The facts stated, as best I can tell, meet the common sense test, but the interpretation of the facts is full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome. Were I to offer an interpretation, it would be that the Democrats have laid the trap themselves; all Trump needs to to is spring it.
OH, MY: Time is racist. So ... progressives are forever?
AMEN: Millennials need a dose of history and reality. Their ignorance beggars the imagination.
THE GLOBAL WARMISTS are getting desperate if this is the crisis du jour. Next they will be warning against eating yellow snow....