Wednesday, March 26, 2014

OBAMA TRIES TO RESET REALITY by dismissing Russia as a 'regional power'. And during his administration, Obama has made the U.S. into a 'sub-regional power'.
ROGER L. SIMON: "I have observed liberals to be vastly more racist than conservatives and libertarians."

Something I have been saying for a long time on this blog.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: "Beer brewed with brains? 100% Democrat-free." Scroll down.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. A few days ago, I posted this question: Is there a low IQ limit that liberal commentators must not exceed? In his ObamaCare response today, Harry Reid proved that even MSNBC's low bar is too high for him.
OBAMA TRAVELED TO BRUSSELS with 900-person entourage: "The naked emperor needs all his court jesters to reassure him his new clothes look fashionable".

Dutch PM Mark Rutte arrived for his meeting with President Obama a little less ostentatiously.
“THE 80′S CALLED ... they’d like their president back.”
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: You can cut government spending; Canada is proof.
HILLARY2016 BATTLESPACE PREPARATION: "It’s just #banbossy all over again, this time with saggy jowls."
MICHELLE MALKIN: My trip to the pot shop.
HEH: World-famous bear trainer encounters setback.
SENATE MAJORITY LEADER Harry Reid, attempting to explain the Obama administration's latest decision to extend a key ObamaCare deadline, says people just 'are not educated on how to use the Internet.'

Especially Harry Reid. And, oh yes, these folks:

OBAMACARE: a kick in the gut.
THOMAS SOWELL: Republicans and Blacks.
[I]f Republicans can reduce the 90 percent of the black vote that goes to Democrats to 80 percent, that can be enough to swing a couple of close Congressional elections -- as a start.

Even to achieve that, however, will require targeting those particular segments of the black population that are not irrevocably committed to the Democrats. Parents who want their children to get a decent education are one obvious example. But if Republicans aim a one-size-fits-all message at all blacks they will fail to connect with the particular people they have some chance of reaching.

First of all, Republicans will need to know what they are talking about. There are books like "Race and Economics" by Walter Williams, which show that many well-meaning government programs have been counterproductive for minorities.
Sowell is right, of course, but it's not just blacks; it's all the Democrats' 'victim groups' the Republicans must aggressively address.
GETTING THE MESSAGE: Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core. More states will follow (well, except the blue ones).
LIBERALS FALL FOR PALIN SATIRE: Flight 370 ‘flew too high, got stuck in heaven’.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Loud + Weak = War. "Being weak is sometimes dangerous. Being loud, self-righteous, and weak is always very dangerous indeed."

If Obama cannot lead, can he at least keep quiet about it?
A 12-GAUGE SHOTGUN? US Army opens acquisition for counter-UAS weapon system.
CONCEALED CARRY to the rescue ... again.
POWER LINE: "Weakness doesn't get much weaker than this."
CALIFORNIA'S NINTH CIRCUIT encourages concealed carry.
BUT, BUT... there's no such thing as voter fraud.

RELATED: "Would it be unkind to suggest that the reason that Democrats oppose election security measures such as voter ID, is because those measures would prevent them from cheating — even against each other?"
No, it wouldn't.
THE STATE of progressive education. If you have children and can afford it, it's time to get out.
THOSE 'TOLERANT' DEMOCRATS: "Go f*** yourself."
IF THE KOCH BROTHERS were better known, Harry Reid would do even worse.
Organizing for Action! has ripped off the Gadsden Flag to troll the Tea Party. Tea Partiers hate Obamacare, they love liberty, they respect history, they fly the Gadsden Flag, so OFA decided, 'Hey, let’s annoy the Tea Party and get in their faces!'
Dumb, yes. But offensive? Hardly. Laughable is a better description. The OFA thimblewits are self-mocking.
INSTAPUNDIT: "I remember when TPM [Talking Points Memo] was kind of interesting." That was when Josh Marshall was still a journalism graduate student and before he became a journalism tool.
COLLEGE ADMISSIONS OFFICE finds ideal applicant capable of subsidizing tuition of 3 low-income students.

Instapundit comments: "One of the weirdest things about the past few years is the way The Onion has gone from a parody site to hard-news...."

It's hard to 'satirize' progressives.
THAT DECEPTIVE KOCH CHART: Political spending is only bad when my opponents do it.