Friday, July 27, 2012

NO GREEN CHILE PEPPERS, but plenty of drugs and illegal immigrants.
TWO MORE California city bankruptcies.
OBAMA'S “extraordinarily foreign” course for America.
THOMAS SOWELL: Obama's Rhetoric.
One of the tricks of professional magicians is to distract the audience's attention from what they are doing while they are creating an illusion of magic.
Which is the point of Obama's rhetoric; to distract Americans from his collectivist leanings.
The whole point of the collectivist mindset is to concentrate power in the hands of the collectivists....
And make freedom disappear.
WHO YOU GONNA BELIEVE, the Obama campaign or your lyin' eyes? The Obama campaign, of course.
SORRY but I didn't sign your 'social contract'.
ANOTHER BANKRUPTCY: Amonix closes North Las Vegas solar plant after 14 months -- and $20M in federal tax credits.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Blowing Up History.
Beware of the wages of professed purity, whether religious or environmental -- whether it targets a mausoleum in Timbuktu or a stone arched bridge in Yosemite.
Or a Christian cross in La Jolla. They want to destroy history because it refutes their belief that they alone know what is right and proper and true.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA should be renamed 'mainstream propaganda.' No actual news would be harmed by so doing.
THESE HANDS built America.

MIKE ADAMS: How Obama Earned My Doctorate.