Sunday, August 19, 2012

WHERE ARE all those green jobs?
OBAMA WINNING OHIO? Coal miners aren't happy.
MEDICARE 2035: Older, Sicker, Poorer. The proper solution, as it has always been, is to get out of the health care business and back into the health insurance business. Fee-for-service works only as long as the customer (i.e., patient) pays the fee.
MARITA NOON: Energy shortages are coming to an outlet near you.
two reports don't convince you that Medicare must be reformed and ObamaCare must be repealed, nothing will.
MAYBE THERE'S A REASON for disposable grocery bags.

Of course, in the land of Lake Wobegon, where everyone is above average, there are no unintended consequences.
LINDA CHAVEZ: A Moral Question for the GOP. Chavez is right on the moral question; the relevant question is how to get there. I believe the first thing we need to do is to control the borders, then deal honestly with the mess that our current immigration laws have left behind.

There is a forming consensus that something must be done, but not on when it must be done. I'm strongly of the view that border control must come first; after that, the rest should be easier.
ROMNEY 2.0: The Paul Ryan Effect.
IT ONLY HAPPENS DURING ELECTION YEARS. As gasoline prices rise, the White House says tapping the strategic oil reserve is on the table.
ARE YOU AN EXTREMIST? In the progressive view, of course. But the progressives are so far out left that it's surprising that they can even see the playing field.
IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE? No, it's a real interview. Here's more, including a video clip from the RNC.
OBAMA CAMP WANTS PETITION SIGNATURES to get Romney to release tax returns. I'd rather have a petition campaign to get Obama to release his college transcripts. They're certainly more relevant to America's future than Romney's taxes.
INTERESTING THOUGHT: Biden's gaffes are intentional.
'WHAT I WILL NOT ABIDE': Obama chides his supporters for not contributing enough to his campaign.

"I will not abide...." That's what I would tell my children when they were pre-K and misbehaved.
IF THIS STUDY IS TRUE, why am I still here? Liberal nannies never let facts, logic, or common sense interfere with their preordained outcome.
GUNS AND AMMO: the new growth sectors in Obama's economy. I'll be buying soon, too.

SO IF YOU SCREW UP YOUR LIPS and close your eyes real tight, you may be able to convince yourself that Mitt Romney was culpable in the death of Joe Soptic's wife Ilyona. If you can, then ponder this: by that same 'logic', how many people has President Obama killed during his 3-1/2 years in office?
ENVIRONMENTALISTS, PAY ATTENTION: Carbon emissions are at a twenty-year low, due to ... natural gas. Who said the free market doesn't work?
THE WORLD'S OLDEST COMMISSIONED WARSHIP will sail under its own power for just the second time in more than a century to commemorate the battle that won it the nickname "Old Ironsides."