Saturday, January 30, 2016

WHAT? NOT THE SUN? Democrats promise the moon. A trillion here, a trillion there, and pretty soon, the Democrats will run out of our money.....
DOES AUTOPILOT dull the skills of U.S. airline pilots?

Yes. Now for the $64 question: Why don't these same concerns apply to 'driverless' cars? Particularly in light of the fact that airline pilots receive much more intensive - and regular - training than do automobile drivers?
REGULATION NATION: Obama's regulations cost $197 billion, $848 per voter, $784 million per day.

Thanks, Mr. President....
DID YOU KNOW? The number of words in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" is 645,000. The Bible has about 700,000 words. The number of words in the Federal Tax Code: 3,700,000.

From the Washington Examiner's daily email.
HILLARY CLINTON to sexual assault survivors:
You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. And my husband has the right to remain silent.
A 'VACUUM TRAIN' between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Just in time to compete with Jerry Brown's $68 billion bullet train to nowhere.
CATCH-22: Employers could get sued for following the law.
Businesses cannot employ anybody who is not legally residing in the U.S., but trying to determine if any of their employees are not legal residents can result in the business facing a federal discrimination lawsuit.

In other words, it can be illegal for an employer to try to find out if it is complying with the law.
Over-regulation nation....
THE NEW NORMAL? Single parent homes now 26% versus 9% in 1960. Black families hardest hit.

Welcome to progressive America....
WHAT? a 'skinny' black hole?
HILLARY: I don't know what a socialist is, but I'm not one.
ON GUN CONTROL: the real active shooter.

REUSABLE ROCKETS: slipping the surly bonds of government.
AN INTERVIEW with a World War veteran. Watch it all.
OBAMA'S legacy of political correctness.

Thanks, Mr. President. In a mere 7 years, you've managed to screw up the whole world.