Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A BOLD PROPOSAL for conservative GOP candidates. It's a bold proposal for sure, but it won't happen - at least before the first primaries have 'shaken the tree' so to speak.
CHINA ENTERS THE 1970s: Chinese scientists mull space power stations. It was a 'big idea' here in the U.S. in the late 60s, early 70s.
THE HILLARY CAMPAIGN in one bumper sticker. Mere voters not needed....
NOT WAITING FOR THE FAA: Amazon is testing drone delivery systems in Canada.
SEE HOW LIBERALS deal with disagreement.
ABOVE REPROACH? Must not have gotten the email....
OBAMA SUPPORTS strong data encryption. That's well and good, but strong data encryption is not particularly useful if the user is incompetent.
SHEEPHERDING goes high-tech.
THEY CAN 'SWIM': Ants in space grapple well with zero-gravity.
THOMAS SOWELL: Who trashed the liberal arts?

No surprise there....
GOP CONGRESSIONAL LEADERS are inadvertently helping Ted Cruz' presidential run. Good for them, even though it's completely unintentional.
HILLARY CLINTON withheld information from Congress. Now what does Congress do? Nothing, as is its wont.
OH YES, let's change the climate -- and make it worse.
NASA CHOOSES Option B for asteroid redirection mission.
Florida Today (3/27, Dean) reported on the decision by NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot to send a spacecraft to an asteroid and retrieve a boulder from it and put it into orbit around the moon. Lightfoot explained the attraction of the chosen asteriod, saying, “I’m going to have multiple targets when I get there, is what it boils down to.” Current plans are to launch the spacecraft in 2020.

KOFY-TV San Francisco (3/28, 9:16 p.m. PDT) reported comically, “If your resume lists skills such as wielding a lasso and piloting a spaceship, NASA has an opening for you.” It explained that the plan would allow NASA “to test the moon’s orbit as a place to park future spacecraft for interplanetary missions.”
About time we got a few cowboys in space.
ROBERT REICH: A few hundred Westerners joining ISIS is not a big deal. Unless they come back....

Neither, apparently, is a few tens of Christians joining the Kurdish Peshmerga. Given the depth of coverage, who cares about Christians?
BULLETS ARE CHEAP: Lethal injection drug shortage may get worse.
THE "SAFE SPACE" APPROACH is producing a generation too soft to deal with the world that awaits it. Amen to that.
"THE BLUNT TRUTH is that climate alarmism isn’t science at all. It is a combination of politics, religion and–perhaps most of all–financially self-interested hucksterism."