Friday, May 01, 2015

RANDOM THOUGHTS: Having (over)reached the age of Senior Citizenship, my sister sent me a 'coffee table' book titled GRIN BIG! And Ask for the Senior Discount. Having been following the news for the last several months, I think there is a real opportunity for the one-and-only (thank God) Rev. Al Sharpton to write one titled SNARL! And Demand the Victim Discount.
TACTICAL FIREARMS is appealing for help fighting what it claims is a politically motivated problem with its bank.

[T]he bank’s excuse to us for calling in the loan is because the “government does not support loans to the gun, alcohol, or hotel industries” and the banks get heavily audited. This is an extension of the Obama administration’s backdoor efforts to bankrupt the firearms industry and all its supporting retailers and firing ranges. Since the government can’t take away our Second Amendment directly, they make it difficult for businesses to stay open by pressuring banks to close loans. This has already happened to other gun shops around the country.
The gun store has made a national name for itself by posting snarky political signs – mostly opposing liberal gun-grabbers and Obama – on its outdoor marquee. Here are some:

Since the Obama administration is not known for having anything remotely resembling a sense of humor, this is political thuggery, pure and simple.

Even the Mafia could learn a thing or two from this administration....
THE FORCE WAS NOT WITH IT: Unlucky robot gets stranded inside Fukushima nuclear reactor.
WHAT THEN? The killer question of immigration reform.

Mitt Romney answered the question in 2008: self-deportation.
GRIFFIN: Let's go find some terrorists.

DID HE EVER QUIT? Obama says he wants to return to community organizing after his presidency ends. I agree with Instapundit; I wish we could 'buy out' his contract ... a billion dollar "retirement annuity" would be cheap compared to the damage Obama could do in the next 21 months.
THE TRUTH DOESN'T FIT THE NARRATIVE: ‘Ferguson’ play cast members quit after learning truth about Michael Brown shooting.

Truth? Progressives can't handle the truth....
QUESTION: Will Michael Moore be willing to disarm his own bodyguards first?

Is there any reason left to doubt the essential derangement of the progressive Left?
HEH: Cheesiest Pickup Line Ever.
AMMO GRRRLL: Stop and smell the roses; soon it will be illegal. Or at least politically incorrect....
TAXES ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE: George Soros reportedly could face up to $7B tax bill. Next up, Tom 'Buying Elections Is Charity' Steyer?

Except for the fact that both are Democrats the IRS would have a much better return on harassment investment going after them rather than the Tea Party....
CALIFORNIA DREAMIN': the new American moonshine.
TRIGGER WARNING: This post is insulting to dogs.
BERNIE SANDERS brings wealth of 19th century ideas to Democratic presidential sweepstakes.
Bored by ... being ignored in Congress for 24 years, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has entered the presidential race in his bid to be the Democratic Party's ABC (Anybody But Clinton) candidate this year, where he will be ignored by millions of voters. His entrance pushes the median age of a Democratic candidate to 70 as the 73-year-old joins Elizabeth Warren, 65, Hillary Clinton, 67, and Joe Biden 72 in the battle to be the least unelectable candidate the party can find for 2016.
Best comment: "And his Chicken!! MMMMMMMMMMM, mmmmmmmmmmmm. Wait. He isn't the Colonel? Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!"