Friday, August 03, 2012

OH.MY.GOD. Global warming is causing street lights to melt. Or something.
USDA: You can't deduct your marijuana expenses to qualify for food stamps.
GOOD RIDDANCE. Viral video of man picking on Chick-fil-A worker gets him fired.

Odds are he was already a sanctimonious jerk, and his employer used his video as an opportunity to get rid of him. Good for them.
THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN: like demagoguery, only dumber.
WOULD THAT I COULD AFFORD IT: Commercial suborbital spaceflights should bring in between $600 million and $1.6 billion in revenue in their first decade of operations.

From PowerLine.
ROMNEY TO REID: "Put up or shut up."
BREAKING: Sen. Harry Reid Embezzled Solyndra’s $535 Million Loan Money, Paid No Taxes on His Ill-Gotten Loot. Heh.
SO LET SAN DIEGO GO DARK; they won't freeze.

Linked from Instapundit, who has more.
MR. PRESIDENT, I built my business.

Linked from Instapundit.
MORE PROOF (if any is needed) that the 'tolerant left' isn't.

In his off-duty time, NASA Astronaut Don Pettit experiments with the physics of water in the weightless environment aboard the International Space Station.
WALTER E. WILLIAMS: "[A] society's first line of defense is not the law but customs, traditions and moral values."
JUST ASK US how 'tolerant' we are.
ONE THING I'll say about Twitter is that it shows what idiots our so-called 'elites' (cf. Roseanne Barr) are.
THE NAVY'S unmanned, autonomous X47B 'UFO'.
CRUZ-ING TO A BRUISING, catered by Chick-fil-A.
YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT, so it's okay that we destroyed it.

GIVE THE MAN A BONUS. Romney aide to 4th Estate: "Kiss my ass." Cordially, of course.
WHITE HOUSE to defense contractors: Oh, by the way, you don't have to hand out pink slips before the election.
WAIT, WAIT! Aren't Republicans the party of the rich?
ECONOMIC FORECASTING MODEL predicts Obama will lose in near-landslide. My simplistic Rasmussen poll forecast predicts a Romney landslide, 56%-44%.

Linked from Instapundit.
NO BUYER'S REMORSE HERE; I didn't vote for him.
PJ MEDIA'S JACK DUNPHY to NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg on gun control: "That’s how you deal with homicidal maniacs, Mr. Mayor. You shoot them before they can shoot you. Your bodyguards would have told you that if you had bothered to ask."