Thursday, February 04, 2010

BOEHNER: No difference in beliefs between GOP and tea partiers.


Commenter Mike G. nails it: ”Boehner is wrong and I refuse to donate to the GOP in general but do support conservative minded candidates regardless of party. In one sense he is right in that there are more GOP'ers that qualify for my support than do Dems but it is not blind alligience [sic] on my part.”

If the GOP persists in believing this myth, it will go down to defeat in 2010.
[G]AY CHIMPS ”eat their young.”

Umm. Gay? ... Offspring?

I must be missing something.
I’M COOL with giving them Apple Computer and McDonalds - but we keep the Statue of Liberty.
FROM MY EMAIL: “Toyota has expanded its product concerns to now include the brakes on the Prius. But look at it this way – it may be a bummer to read a bunch of smug bumper stickers in traffic, but it least it means that the Prius is in front of you.”


A Canadian minister, a strong advocate of single-payer healthcare, opts for heart surgery in the United States: “State-controlled access for thee, instant access for me.”

And a health care lesson from Obama’s space policy: “If human spaceflight—a technically challenging endeavor—need not involve NASA, then just maybe health care need not involve the meddling feds either.”
RAHM EMANUEL apologizes to the developmentally disabled for calling them liberal.

INVENTED TRUTH and projection bias: I forgot I was white.

The "I forgot Obama was black" sentiment allows the speaker the comfort of accepting, even lauding, a black person without interrogating their invented truth. It allows the speaker a luxurious ignorance--you get to name people (this is what black is) even when you don't know people. In fact, Chris Matthews didn't forget Barack Obama was black. Chris Matthews forgot that Chris Matthews was white.
Link from the Washington Times.
GANGSTER GOVERNMENT: “Nice car company ya got there, be a shame if anything happened to it."

Michael Barone orginally coined the phrase “gangster government” to describe the Obama administration’s threats last spring against Chrysler creditors who had the temerity to insist that bankruptcy laws be followed.

Now Toyota seems to be in the administration’s crosshairs.
THE FAT LADY sings for Keith Olbermann.

How this meglomaniac misogynist has survived on television for as long as he has is beyond me.
HEALTH CARE REFORM: Collectivism isn’t the answer, health savings accounts are.
RAND SIMBERG on the future of NASA: "NASA’s job is not to send a man to Mars, but to make it possible for the National Geographic Society to do so."

Simberg is correct in calling for NASA to be a technology and systems facilitator rather than developer, but the transition should have begun years ago. I worry that the abrupt cancellation of Constellation - and a minimum decade-long hiatus from manned space - will do nothing but accelerate the loss of interest and institutional experience in human space flight.

X-PRIZE Foundation CEO Peter Diamandis is more optimistic. Former astronaut Tom Jones has a different view. I hope Peter Diamandis is right, but I suspect that Dr. Jones' view is the more realistic.
The California Senate, inspired by the blarney in Washington about how giving away health care would save money, has passed a bill creating a single-payer system in the state. They may not have noticed, but their state was recently issuing IOUs instead of checks and is begging for a federal bailout before they have to legalize something else to tax.
No, but other states might.
GET OUT THE YARDSTICK: a minimum of one to two feet of snow is predicted for mid-day tomorrow through Saturday.

And another storm is in the works for Tuesday.

According to the weather folks, this year has the potential to be the worst on record for the metro Washington DC region.
WHEN WE GET SICK we will be passive recipients of the kindness of strangers — like Barney Frank and Harry Reid. And Nurse Ratched.
