Thursday, April 12, 2012

MARYLAND GOV. MARTIN O’MALLEY: So eager for presidency, he ‘forgot’ to be governor. Which is probably why he 'forgot' to lobby for the Maryland state tax increases.
NORTH KOREAN ROCKET LAUNCH FAILS. From what we know so far, it sounds like a booster (first stage) separation failure.
HOW TO make an octopus walk.
SHOULD KIDS AND PARENTS be put in separate seating on planes? No, and those who object to kids should be put in separate (steerage) class. Not economy class, steerage.
GOTCHA! Blog comment of the day.
NATIONAL DATABASE planned to disable stolen cellphones. Today, stolen phones; tomorrow, all phones?

Best comment: "Is a government controlled kill-switch for every mobile device in the country really the best solution for unprotected data? Really?"
LOYALTY: Hybrid car owners unlikely to buy another.
HEH: Newt Gingrich may not appear on the Utah primary ballot because his $500 check for the registration fee bounced.
WHY DOES THE GENERAL WELFARE never include my welfare?
VIGNETTE from a failed Presidency.
OBAMAFAIL: the Democrats' war on women. Ann Romney has 5 children, 5 spouses of her children, 15 grandchildren -- and she never worked a day in her life?

UPDATE: Rosen apologizes.
ROMNEY: the man who says 'marvelous'.
My first association, on hearing one man [Obama] mock another for saying "marvelous," was: Gay. It's an I'm-more-manly move. I heard a smidgeon of homophobia. Perhaps I heard it because, a few days ago, on winning the Wisconsin primary, Romney introduced Ryan, saying: "Congressman Ryan, he's a great leader, wonderful speaker, but he's not gonna take Ann's place." (Ann being, of course, Mitt's wife.) At the time, I quipped: "Combatting the 'bromance' rumors!"

This is just a meme watch. Note that the budget Romney was talking about was Paul Ryan's budget. The alliance of Romney and Ryan is so good that I suspect the Obama campaign will toy with mockery that has a homophobic edge. Let's make their "marriage" seem unseemly. Not so blatantly that they can't deny it. Any homophobia can be disguised within a socially acceptable distaste for the rich.
Best comment: "The Bamster, with his mom jeans and cute little bicycle helmet, and general air of metrosexuality is in no position to mock any male."
RAY STEVENS: 'Encyclopedia of Recorded Comedy Music'.
A STREETCAR NAMED DEBT: "Public officials remain infatuated with the idea of getting other people out of their automobiles so the government can decide when and where they can travel."
NASA REGULATIONS for commercial spacecraft a "touchy" subject.
ELECTION 2012: Let Us Help You Pack.
YOU TOO can vote in place of Eric Holder. And we'd probably be better off if you did.

[Update & bump] Tim Tebow and Tom Brady are eligible to vote in Minnesota.
WALTER E. WILLIAMS: Media Dishonesty and Race Hustlers.
FOR THE ELDERLY, EMERGENCY ROOMS OF THEIR OWN: "Let’s make them very comfortable, let’s palliate, but let’s not save them. The heroic treatments are in that other emergency room, the one for the people who are still useful."

Soylent Green.
COUNT ON THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION to try to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery.