Thursday, April 05, 2012

PAUL GREENBERG: When ethics is just public relations.
WILL AMERICA ever bridge the racial divide? America already has, but the Democrats want to bring it back.
ARIZONA'S IMMIGRATION LAW is working. And Massachusetts, California, Illinois, and New York (among other sanctuary states) are happily accepting the Arizona refugees (not).
HOUSE SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: Senate Democrats Stall House-Passed Bills to Address Gas Prices, Create Jobs.
FRONT PAGE: Going Galt or Going Broke [registration required; it's free].
FAT CHANCE: an Obamacare loss in the Supreme Court will “guarantee” an Obama second term.

The Democrats are panicking.
TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES? How to Hit a Nude Beach.
"I would work with other state leaders to make sure California continues to move ahead," said Dave Jones, state insurance commissioner. "We require everyone to have auto insurance in California, and the world hasn't stopped spinning on its axis. All this political tumult generated by the far right is really ignoring the reality in California and elsewhere."
Uh, no. California, like other states, requires auto insurance to drive on public roads. If you don't have a car or don't drive on public roads, you don't need auto insurance. Merely being alive isn't sufficient to mandate auto insurance.
[T]he California Health Benefit Exchange — using about $40 million in federal money — has been setting up an enrollment process and marketing campaign to reach consumers in preparation for a January 2014 launch.
Forty million for 'enrollment process and marketing' for a mandatory system. Does the word 'squandering' come to mind?

California reminds me of the Roadrunner in the old Loonie Tunes cartoons. They've already run off the cliff; just not looked down yet.
SAY WHAT? Government is the Problem.
HOMO POLITICUS: Why Washington Never Learns.
The most plausible explanation lies with the chimpanzees whose deference to authority perfectly exemplifies those who make up our Permanent Government. Washington defers to the alphas, whose confidence in their judgment does not, as it happens, correlate closely with its goodness.
In my view, the correlation coefficient is negative.
INCREASED DRONE USE spurs questions over privacy.
The use of drones in the U.S. by law enforcement and other government agencies has privacy advocates on edge. At the same time, some do-it-yourself drone flyers believe the ease of sending cheap pilotless planes and choppers airborne gives citizens a powerful tool for keeping public servants on the ground honest.
Interesting - a private eye on our public servants.
THE SEPTEMBER SPENDING SPREE: Shocking. Shocking, I say. Well, only if you're as ignorant as our current President.