Friday, October 04, 2013

WH OFFICIAL: ‘Doesn’t really matter to us’ how long shutdown lasts. Of course not. Obama made certain the Andrews AFB golf course was kept open....
NEED HELP SIGNING UP FOR OBAMACARE? The Obama administration has you covered. Simply dial 1-800-FUCKYO to reach the next available health-care provider. Seriously.

Well, almost seriously. There's a '1' (which doesn't have a letter equivalent) missing. The real number is 1-800-F(1)UCKYO.
WASHINGTON POST: the 30 richest members of Congress. For those of you who don't want to wast your time [very annoying commercial ad], I'll summarize: equally split, 15 Democrats and 15 Republicans; the 'poorest' of whom is only worth $12.1 million dollars.
AGAINST AMERICANS, YES. “Is the president putting the government on strike?”
NEW YOU CAN USE: 4 New Ways to Smuggle Messages Across the Internet.

Who has the better apple?
NEWT GINGRICH: Uber vs Prison Guards of the Past. Government is simply too damn big when it can pick winners and losers.
JON MCNAUGHTON is an established artist from Utah whose new paintings have attracted the international attention of millions over the last few years. Highly detailed religious and patriotic subjects are the focus of his paintings. The artists experiences and faith are the inspiration for his work.

Here is his latest painting:

Many Americans today feel a sense of dismay and horror as we see our country in a downward spiral; both economically, morally, and politically. President Obama's indifferent attitude and the continuous list of scandals and bad policy are leading the country to ruin.

As an artist I am reminded of the old saying "Nero fiddled while Rome burned." History believes that Nero himself may have set the great fire that burned a part of Rome during his leadership. Afterwards, he blamed it on the Christians who suffered great persecution under his rule. I see great similarities to what we are experiencing today. Obama fiddled, while the people witnessed the demise of America.

From my email.
MORNING EXAMINER: If you aren't essential, why are we paying you?
What sort of teachable moment is it when freaking Republican 'anarchists' (Harry Reid's term) are tripping over themselves to restore full funding for the departments of Interior, Educatiion, Commerce, and Labor? Or blithely re-upping the Transportation Security Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the FCC?
Scroll through the other links as well.

Acorns and other seeds have been falling for nearly a month now, but today is the first day I've seen the driveway covered with fallen leaves. Winter is coming.
HELP KIDS WITH CANCER? Reid asks: 'Why would we want to do that?' The first ObamaCare 'death panel' convenes -- on the second day of ObamaCare implementation....