Wednesday, January 15, 2020

SO ARM OUR EMBRYOS: The Left admits they're just not used to killing people who might fight back.

Yes, of course it's the Babylon Bee.
BERNIE SANDERS: a clear and present danger to the public welfare.
WARNING: Gang of known criminals holds meeting to discuss how much of your money to steal.

ELIZABETH WARREN announces her presidency will include free year of Disney+, ESPN, and Hulu.

SANDERS CLARIFIES his gulags will be Democratic gulags.
Just because it's the Babylon Bee doesn't mean it isn't accurate.
EXCELLENT QUESTION: How radical are Bernie Sanders and his supporters?
AS I POINTED OUT in an earlier post: Dollar General is a part of Americana worth saving and celebrating.
THE DEMOCRAT PRIMARY FIELD moves ever whiteward.
The Democrats don’t care about people, they care about power over specific voting blocs that they can make beholden to them with unfulfilled promises. Diversity and wealth equality are merely rhetorical cudgels they like using to hit Republicans with, especially during election years. They standard Dem dig against the Republican party is that it’s just a bunch of old white rich guys.
But they believe it worked for Republicans, so why not for them? It's all about regaining control.
ANOTHER TRUMP REGULATORY WIN: California forced to withdraw outdated pollution control plans.
THEY DON'T LIKE BEING DISENFRANCHISED: Ex-White House [Democrat] press secretaries, foreign service officials demand return of briefings.
KURT SCHLICHTER has some thoughts for Democrat politicians:
Here’s an idea that our Democrat politician friends might want to try if they want to stop being back-stabbing garbage people. It’s kind of a radical notion and a little outside the box, but here goes: How about, just once, you stop sucking-up to the foreign bastards who are attacking our country and take America’s side?
I agree with him: "The least you could do is show a little respect to the people trying to clean up your party’s mess."
NANCY PELOSI: I impeached the President ...

... and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.