Wednesday, March 11, 2020

INSTAPUNDIT: "I asked a friend in Hong Kong how things are going and got this response."
There appears to be a new disease spreading throughout Hong Kong now…

I think the term for it is “cabin fever”.
Now go read the rest.
DOES HIS RIGHT BRAIN KNOW WHAT HIS LEFT BRAIN IS THINKING? (I'm assuming, of course, that he has one, given that it's not obvious.) Eric Swalwell praises Pence over coronavirus response, then warns Trump could be spreading misinformation.
[W]e have a perfect storm. We have a hostile and incredibly arrogant and malicious mass media, running 24 hrs/day, pushing the "we're all gonna die" scenario in a political year, a year in which the target is Trump. The lefties have been calling openly for a recession, an economic collapse, as a way to get rid of Trump, to promote their crazy globalist memes, and to get us cowering in fear and praying for more government intervention in our lives. The Chinese virus is the silver bullet! Or so they think. The same people who opposed tightening our borders and who have turned our major cities into petri dishes for infection and social dysfunction are now critical of Trump's moves on the Wuhan virus.

This will pass.
I agree. Read it all.
IN COLORADO Donald Trump received more votes than the top three Democrats.

IN TEXAS Donald Trump received more votes than the top four Democrats.
On one of the shows that evening, Fox News analyst Karl Rove also noted the strong turnout on the Republican side even though there is no contest.I wasn't going to vote in the Georgia primary on the 24th since there are no local elections, but now I think I will - just to run up the total.
SO IT'S RACIST TO EXPECT COMPETENCE IN JOURNALISM? New York Times' Mara Gay mocked for attacking 'racist Twitter mob' following MSNBC math fiasco.
REALLY? DEMOCRATS ARE SEXIST? REALLY? Nancy Pelosi thinks Democrat (!) voters are showing a certain element of misogyny.

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.
LEFTIST HEARTBREAK at the upscale gym.

And these pantywaists have the hubris to believe that they're some sort of morally superior being? Unbelievable.
IMPEACHMENT-ELIGIBLE Federal Judge self-identifies.
BERNIE SANDERS still has a chance.
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn [D-SC] appeared ready to call off the Democratic primary race Tuesday night and declare former Vice President Joe Biden the victor.
They have to - otherwise Joe Biden will never survive to the Democrat convention.

At this point, I would submit that Tulsi Gabbard is the Democrats' sole remaining chance of remaining a viable political party. And then only if they can divest themselves of the nuts, flakes, and froot loops.
PROMISES, PROMISES: Bloomberg cuts staffers loose despite one-year employment pledge.

So much for the Bloomberg economic stimulus....
OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM is all messed up. And if the progressives get their way, Medicare for All, it'll cost everything and cover nothing.