Sunday, November 04, 2018

YOU THINK liberals are miserable and paranoid now? Just wait.

Here's the usual deck view. What a change a week makes! We've had high winds this week, so the dead leaves are gone - and the ones still on the trees have dramatically changed colors.

Even around the fire pit the leaves have been blown from the trees. What few are left are those desperate hangers-on that will probably still be there next spring.

The house view has something new this week: a 53-ft pine tree trunk. The tree broke in two a couple of months back, but caught in other trees and was leaning, supported by the other trees. It finally came down two days ago, crossing over our pond path in two places. The remaining stump is a good 8 feet high, and I'd estimate another 10-20 feet of debris from the top scattered about.

The dock view is one of the best I've taken this year. Because it's low and surrounded by hills on three sides, it wasn't as affected by the winds. Still, the color changes are significant.

Finally, the pond view from the back side. It's a bit washed out because the sun is so low in the sky.

Here are last week's photos for comparison.