Tuesday, March 04, 2014

IT'S SATIRE of course, but ... vote for Bucky Brewster.

Or you could vote for Diamond.
SETTLED SCIENCE: It appears the Flat Earth Society does believe in global warming.
ONE WAY TO GO OUT OF BUSINESS: Donut shop refuses to sell donuts.
HEH: “In our time, climate activism has devolved into self-medication for the moderately mentally ill (and who’s to say this is not a useful service).”
HARRY REID goes on Koch coke-fueled rampage. There. Fixed.

POWERLINE is kinder; they merely think Reid was drunk.
HOT AIR CALLED IT RIGHT: U.S. assessment of Crimea: This isn’t an invasion, it’s an … “uncontested arrival”. Just as illegal aliens are 'undocumented workers'....
DAILY CALLER: Lois Lerner fears for her life if she testifies at Wednesday’s oversight hearing. If she did indeed receive threats (and I suspect she did), it wasn't the Tea Party doing the threatening.
IMPROVING YOUR HEALTHCARE: Obama administration policy would eliminate half of all existing Medicare Part D plans.
CMS principal deputy administrator Jonathan Blum testified that limiting Part D sponsors to providing only two plans per region will “promote needed clarity of plan choices for beneficiaries.”
So if the goal is 'improved clarity' the obvious answer is to limit choice to a single plan (i.e., single payer aka government health care).
OBAMA DELIVERS dead-on-arrival budget, then lies about it.

It's time for the House to pass a series of appropriation bills, then adjourn and let the Senate/Obama deal with it.
MICHAEL HILTZIK: ObamaCare hit man. I'd like to know the source of Michael Hiltzik's healthcare. Somehow I doubt it's from the ObamaCare exchange -- or Canada's or England's nationalized healthcare systems.
OBVIOUSLY Obama mistook the Staples' 'Easy' button for the 'Reset' button.
NEW YORK TIMES: The Down Side of Envy. From the Washington Monthly: proof that liberals are full of envy.
TOTUS WOULD BE PROUD: Obama's new teleprompter.
CAN'T LET REALITY INTERFERE WITH RE-ELECTION: Lawless Obama White House to Announce 30th Obamacare Delay.

UPDATE: If you like your Senate seat, you can keep your Senate seat. Maybe....
THE SCOREKEEPER is on a roll. The best: "No, El Presidente has lost his marbles and is playing golf" in response to House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers "We're playing marbles" comment on Fox News Sunday.
REALITY INTRUDES: Even the Washington Post admits the Obama administration's foreign policy is fantasy-based.

Even Jimmy Carter is looking good by comparison.
RANDOM OBSERVATIONS from the slow snow lane. Post the dig-out, we took a drive around Manassas today. The roads are mostly clear, and the airheads are doing an excellent job of pointing out where they are not.

One vacuum-head in particular is going to be taking the bus for at least a few days when he discovered that turn lanes are not usually as clear of snow and ice as the straight-ahead lanes. Judging from the front-end damage, I suspect he will be in the market for a new(er) car.
WHAT PLANET does The Nation occupy?
MSNBC is light years ahead of its rivals in its racial diversity; most of its hosts are super-smart; ... and the network delves regularly into under-covered subjects, like the environment.
One need only look at the picture at the top of the post to see the first assertion is wrong. I guess 'super-smart' means that the entire news pundit staff share the same (factually incorrect) opinions.

And as far as environmentalism being 'under-covered', as of the time of this post, MSNBC has a total of 9 (yes, nine) video stories on its website (apparently one from each 'host'), none of which deal with the environment, while Fox News, MSNBC's bete noir, has 125 (yes, one hundred twenty-five) stories on its website, 2 of which are environmentally related.
THE REASON there was very little blogging yesterday....