Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NEWT GINGRICH: Obama’s toughest critics ... aren't Republicans.
INCOME GAP? Not many are obsessed. Well, unless they happen to be progressive Democrat community organizers....
POWERLINE'S State of the Union.
POPULAR SCIENCE: Lawsuit alleges NASA cover-up of life form on Mars.
THE CLUELESS SELF-IMPORTANCE OF DC captured nicely in one simple tweet.
EVEN THE WASHINGTON POST REBELS: Fact Checking the 2014 State of the Union address. Will the New York Times be next? Nah.
OBAMA'S DISTANT COUSIN calls him 'worst president in our time'.
Dr. Milton Wolf, the radiologist challenging Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), told The Hill on Monday that while Obama’s a “nice guy,” he believes he’s “the worst president in our time, if not our history.”

“You can’t choose your family, but what you can do is to rise up and stop your family from destroying America, and I think Barack Obama is destroying America,” the GOP Senate hopeful said in an interview. “I think his policies are an absolute disaster and I think they’re a betrayal not only of our Constitution but a betrayal of the American idea itself.”
Wolf has the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell of unseating Roberts, but a strong challenge may stiffen Robert's spine.
INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY: IRS, The Emblem Of Big Dirty Government, Gets Dirtier. All the more reason to get rid of the IRS altogether, and implement a flat tax.
DEMOCRAT SENATORS intervene in Hobby Lobby case, urge justices to deny ObamaCare exemption. On the bright side, at least some Republicans are fighting back: Sens. David Vitter, R-Louisana; Ted Cruz, R-Texas; John Cornyn, R-Texas; and Mike Lee, R-Utah should be congratulated, and more Republican congresscritters should join in.
GOOD NEWS: Obama vows no political harassing by NSA, says that's the IRS' job.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ on the State of the Union.
SENATOR MIKE LEE gives the real State of the Union message:

Join and support the Tea Party today.
I'VE GOT OBAMACARE. Yes, but you don't have a doctor -- or a hospital.
MY REACTION to the State of the Union: I've been to better high-school pep rallies.