Tuesday, February 05, 2013

MONA CHAREN: If nukes are outlawed, only outlaws will have nukes.
IT'S HARD TO BEAT BIG GOVERNMENT .... but it has to be done.
WATERBOARDING BAD, assassination good. Especially if your from the Left.
In the hundred years before there was a Federal Reserve System, inflation was less than half of what it became in the hundred years after the Fed was founded. The biggest deflation in the history of the country came after the Fed was founded, and that deflation contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s. As for bank failures, they reached levels unheard of before there was a Federal Reserve System.
Maybe Ron Paul is right. Read it all.
BYRON YORK: Legalization first could scuttle immigration plan. Not could, will.
SMARTEN UP, grow up, and shut up. You're giving Republicans a bad rap.
"THERE ARE PEOPLE on both sides of the gun debate who make good points. And then there are people who have absolutely no clue."

A pipeline under the ocean: how the Brits pumped gasoline from England to the battlefields in Europe during World War II.
REAGAN WAS THE 'GREAT UNITER'; Obama is ... the 'great divider'.
WHERE ARE the EPA's magic unicorns when they're needed?
DENNIS PRAGER: Is killing morally wrong? I have a hard time believing this even needs to be explained to anyone with even half a brain, including Democrats.
WITH OBAMACARE, smoking to be encouraged again?
PAJAMAS MEDIA: Thirteen ideas for the Republicans to consider for 2013.

1) Freeze the budget: Absolutely.

2) Reinvent government (again): It didn't work the first time, but okay, maybe it will slow the growth of government a little.

3) Establish a “government reform” task force to look for savings: C'mon. How many times has this been tried before? If you have to do this, keep it within the Republican party. If you let the Democrats in, they'll only muck it up.

4) Investigate the possibility of reducing American forces in Germany: Not just Germany; all overseas U.S. forces. Make the DoD justify each one in terms of specific mission requirements.

5) Consolidate and eliminate departments: Absolutely! But in my opinion, the EPA should be the very first to go. Then the Department of Education. Then Homeland Security. Then ....

6) Try to reach a bipartisan agreement on adjusting the “cost-of-living” formula for federal benefits: Yes, but forget 'bipartisan'.

7) Try to strengthen the American family: The best way to strengthen the family is to get the government out of it.

8) Make sure your members speak the language of the national interest: And speak it, dammit. Preach! even if only to the choir.

9) National Guard/FEMA upgrade: No. The National Guard is a quasi-military force, and FEMA should be returned to its original mission as a funding management agency.

10) Consider a consumption tax as a last resort to raise revenue: Never! We're trying to make government smaller, not larger.

11)Consider trading a carbon tax for a permanent reduction in business taxes: Again, never! The environment can protect itself.

12) Support bipartisan immigration reform: Forget bipartisan. Create a comprehensive Republican plan; then implement it piecemeal (border control first).

13) Create a Victoria Soto memorial: Feel-good measures are Democrat territory, but okay, maybe Republicans should poach occasionally. Don't make it a habit.
ALL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING should be concerned that fewer people are seeking law degrees. Why? Fewer law degrees means fewer politicians....
PATRICK BRENAN: Obama's Duplicitous Additional Revenue Demands. Now we know why he demanded tax rate hikes earlier when Speaker Boehner offered 'loopholes and deductions' instead.

He wanted both.
WE HAVE DEMOCRATS for a reason.