Saturday, January 05, 2019

DEMOCRAT PREPOSTEROSITIES: None of them will beat Donald Trump in 2020.
ELIZABETH WARREN: trying to make Hillary look competent. And succeeding.
TAKE THE WALL DOWN — Democrats need to import a new electorate.
THE NEW KAKISTOCRACY: The Democrats have taken over the House of Representatives and the worst possible people are now in charge.
AMMO GRRRLL: “I’ll take ‘things that are dead’ for $200, Alex.”
I'M SURPRISED JIM ACOSTA WAS ONLY #5: The 20 most annoying liberals of 2018.
POWERLINE'S party time edition of its Week in Pictures has posted. My favorite is obvious this week:

Now go see the rest.
SO WHO CAN WE ATTACK? We're all victims now.

Read the whole article.
DR. STRANGEGREEN: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.

It's almost impossible to mock progressives; they're self-mocking.
ANOTHER ADDITION to the 'hate speech' lexicon.
REMEMBER, Republicans “spew hate” while Democrats are “passionate.”
THE DIFFERENCE between socialism and Democratic socialism

is 17.3 percent.
THERE'S ALWAYS A NEED FOR CANNON FODDER: Uncle Sam wants liberal snowflakes for US Army.
A SUPREME COURT DECISION that brings justice for property owners.

Our 'elitist betters' got kicked to the curb. Let's have more.