Tuesday, May 08, 2018

SO WHO IS GOING TO CLEAN THEM? California to mandate solar panels on all new housing.

Which is why California needs open borders....
SWAMPS AREN'T NECESSARILY environmentally useful.

Environmentally sensitive, yes; environmentally useful, no.
BUT, BUT, BUT ... he's woke, dammit.
AND STUPID. You forgot stupid.
THE HYPOCRISY IS STRONG IN THIS ONE: The Schneiderman chronicles.

So is the farce.
CULTURAL APPROPRIATION: the latest social justice warrior 'go-to':
The average “woke” liberal – a term that refers to the most sensitive and aware liberals (think of hypersensitive and obnoxious having a kid, then spoiling that kid) – wakes up in the morning looking for something to be offended by.

[L]et’s think about this for a second, is this really a road people want to travel down? Before you do, make sure you know who invented your smartphone, the car, whatever medicine you or your loved ones take. Better check the ethnicity not only of your favorite musicians, but that of the people who invented the instruments they use.

There is literally no end to [this] stupidity.
If it weren't for 'cultural appropriation' those woke folks would live in a society inadequately described as BF (before Flintstone).
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Cultural appropriation edition. My favorite:

But there are others. Go enjoy them.
CONSIDER THIS: What would a progressive America look like?

Vote accordingly.
THEM'S FIGHTING WORDS: “[W]ith all due respect, you actually don’t know much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don’t.”
MORE BUSINESSES are mellowing out over hiring pot smokers. So? Now that marijuana is no longer a proscribed drug, is pot smoking less of a lung cancer problem than cigarette smoking? How 'mellow' were businesses then?

I wonder - will those 'mellow businesses' insist that the smokers go outside?