Wednesday, February 02, 2022

STUDY: Weed makes you stupid.

Now we know why the Democrats are the stupid party. Not that there was ever any doubt....
SECONDED: Please make a dumb car. My next car is going to be a 1960's era Ford F-150 pickup (assuming I last long enough to afford one).
ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ tells Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to make Arizona Republican Sen. Kyrsten Sinema's life as difficult as possible.

Schumer should tell her to go to the back of the room, put on her dunce cap, sit down, and shut up. But he won't, he's got no backbone. Or balls.
BECAUSE THEY HAVE NONE THEMSELVES. Democrats are obsessed with tearing down values.

Bringing everyone down to their values....
KEEP ON TRUCKIN', working class rebels.
Even Gov. Ron DeSantis is on board. I haven't moved yet, but the thought is there....

MORE: Truck on, USA.

Even more.
ANOTHER 'ARTIST' SELF-CANCELS: Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young leaving Spotify.
'STEALTH' OMICRON VARIANT BA.2 is circulating in almost half of U.S.
Expect the pandemic to begin about Labor Day.

If it's not Omicron-S (for stealth) it will be something else.

Margolis isn't wrong.
WEST COAST, MESSED COAST™ – Where do we get our reputation back?

First, at the polls in the elections of 2022 & 2024. Then to the courts to sue those bastards for every dime they can beg, borrow, or steal. Homelessness should be in their future.